Blog Post


Bike Key Rewards Shipping This Week! 🔑

BikeAngelsTeam's avatar
Community Manager
2 years ago

Hello, Angels, 

We’re happy to announce that Steady Pedaler bike key rewards are back in stock, and shipping has resumed

We understand this delay has caused some pain for Angels that worked toward this reward and had to wait to receive it, and we appreciate these Angels’ dedication to the program while we worked to correct this issue. 

Angels who placed an order after June 2022, using the form in the rewards email, will be automatically sent their reward key to the address provided when they completed the form. Angels with pending orders should start seeing their keys arrive in the next couple of weeks.

Angels that earn the Steady Pedaler after May 2023, will claim the key reward using the form in the email we send once that reward is earned.


Updated 2 years ago
Version 2.0
  • Jess's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hey NENC, sorry we missed your messages about this. We will take action to ensure that doesn't happen in the future. I followed up about your missing rewards here. Thank you for contributing to the Bike Angels Community. 

  • NENC's avatar
    Casual Commenter

    Hi Folks,

    I have followed up by email and by private message and have not gotten a response. The key and the pin still have not been sent to me. Is there an ETA or something I need to do to re-complete the form?


