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January Cruiseletter

Jess's avatar
Bike Angels Team
22 days ago


Community Tune Up ๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿ’ช

Feedback and ideas are a fundamental part of the community. Weโ€™re always pumped when the Bike Angel experience is improved by community conversations, and the recent Bike Angels recap feature is no exception. Thanks to milly, Angels received a yearly review sharing their personal stats and activity.   


Wheelie Good News ๐Ÿ›ž๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ

Bike Angels Stats | December

All Brands

93 New Community Members 

Up 63% YOY

9,340 Site Visits

Up 234% YOY

10 Solutions Accepted 

816 Angels Leveling Up

Angels leveling up by tier

418,880 Point-Earning Rides

Longest distance point-earning ride

MB292 CaBi | 17.95 miles 


Note: Your Angel Code is the Initials of the name on your account + the last three digits of your phone number

Updated 22 days ago
Version 1.0
  • conrad's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    Does this Bike Angels recap thing actually work for anyone? I've been seeing it in my app all month, but it doesn't do anything when I click on it.

    • Leslie52's avatar
      Steady Solver

      What are you seeing?  Did you swipe left (there are bubbles on the bottom of the screen indicating more views).  After you see "2024 Your Year as a Bike Angel" you will see "Your took X Bike Angel rides" followed by "You Earned X points"...and so on.  There are 8 screens in all.

      • conrad's avatar
        Resourceful Rider

        I see the blue "2024 Bike Angels Recap" button, but it doesn't do anything. When I click on it it turns gray, but doesn't open anything. I hadn't thought to swipe, but that also does nothing.