Blog Post


March Bike Angels Numbers

BikeAngelsTeam's avatar
Community Manager
4 years ago

Number of Bike Angels Trips in March



Total Points Earned by all Bike Angels



Unique Bikes Balanced

This means that in the month of March, Angels moved over twenty-one thousand different bikes! 



Most Stations rebalanced this month

Some of us Angels stay close to home, balancing our neighborhoods. However, we want to draw some much deserved attention to a few of our Angels with the biggest “wingspan”, who rebalanced stations throughout the entire city!


Angel Code - Stations Visited

  1. HT284 - 120 stations!
  2. NS143 - 115
  3. RF031 - 113
  4. ET853 - 95
  5. MD929 - 85
  6. KK781 - 81
  7. DG232 - 80
  8. BA618 - 80
  9. ML864 - 79
  10. MW305 - 77
  11. ES959 - 71
  12. AM859 - 66
  13. MM951 - 62
  14. KT405 - 62
  15. OJ037 - 58
  16. CS273 - 58
  17. TC610 - 57
  18. EF624 - 53
  19. RW545 - 52
  20. KH834 - 51


Most Bikes Rebalanced this Month

Have you ever wondered how many different bikes that you rebalanced throughout the month of March? Well we have a leaderboard for that! 


Angel Code - Unique Bikes Balanced

  1. RF031 - 552 different bikes! 
  2. KK781 - 439
  3. NS143 = 384
  4. DF066 - 333
  5. ZH113 - 315
  6. RO698 - 259
  7. KH587 - 211
  8. ML864 - 173
  9. CR963 - 164
  10. YY606 - 163
  11. WH157 - 147
  12. PH958 - 143
  13. SD800 - 139
  14. WC368 - 137
  15. WB193 - 134
  16. OV447 - 133
  17. JS610 - 118
  18. MB618 - 111
  19. RE826 - 110
  20. ZA315 - 105


We will be sharing a monthly science post with more Bike Angels data like this. If there is more data you'd be interested in seeing, or another type of Bike Angels news you think would be worth sharing in the Community, let us know! We'd love to see where we can highlight the info you're most curious about in future reports.


Check in next week to see April’s numbers!


Thank you for all you do as bike angels. 

See you in the bike lane,

Bike Angels Team

Updated 4 years ago
Version 1.0


  • Jaylen's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    Hey CarolTandava this is the first month of data that we've posted here! We're looking forward to doing this for future months to allow more insight for our riders. We're excited to share these with you all!