Winter Insights Blog 2023
4 min read
Movers & Shakers
Supermember Shout Out
We want to shine a light on 2WG-4WB and the contributions they’ve made to the community. As one of the top posters and commenters, they’re modeling the sort of collaboration and connections we built the community to house. Their efforts are invaluable as new members join and become active. We can’t thank you enough—Kudos! 👍
@2WG-4WB’s Stats:
- Member since October 2022
- 26 community posts
- 23 Kudos Received
- 969 Citi Bike rides
- 2266 Lifetime Bike Angels Points
Badge Report
3 Members earned the Affirmative Angel 5 Badge
4 Members earned the Returning Rider 25 Badge
Community Connections
Hot Posts
Most Views and Replies 👀 💬
DemonAngel's post about the leaderboard has 337 views and 8 replies
Most Replies 💬 Honorable Mention
@Angel123's post about points in the app received 5 replies, and the issue was solved!
🎊 The community helped identify and add context to a systems issue that the Bike Angels Team resolved 🎊
Site Stats
Miracle Working
How the Community Improves The BA Experience
Improved Onboarding for BA Program 👶
These community posts helped create unique online help resources for specific topics like:
Uncovered Bugs 🐛
When things aren’t working as designed, it can be hard to pinpoint the size or breadth of the issue. One of the features of the community is improved response to major bugs. The BAC impacted the larger Bike Angels population by validating two major bugs this winter: one with points and another with crossing multiple thresholds in one ride.
🪲 Angel123's post about points offerings
- The post reported that many stations that should be reflecting points weren’t
- Community members commented to share their experiences
- The report was escalated to the Bike Angels Team for review
- We investigated and remedied the issue swiftly and updated the post to confirm the fix was in place
🐞 Astnish28's post about earning more than one extension during a ride
- Astnish28 posted to share details about a bug they experienced after contacting our support team
- The Bike Angels Team connected with Astnish28 to let them know their report had been escalated
- We investigated and remedied the issue with @astnish98, which prevented future instances of this issue for other Angels
Angel Voices
You asked, We answered
Community Improvements Born From Member Feedback
RickyDee noticed an error with the new leaderboards we added to the Cruiseletter in March, and commented to let us know. We pinpointed and corrected the issue for the April Cruisletter, and updated the info in the original post.
How’s My Driving?
Insights from the Site Survey
We want to hear from you! We served 891 surveys so far this year, and we’ve received 31 completed responses for a 3.8% completion rate. Insights from the survey are used directly to plan site improvements and content. Check out what Angels are saying below:
Site Survey Insights | Q1 2023
What was the purpose of your visit to the Bike Angels Community?
Were you able to find what you were looking for?
How would you rate your overall experience?