Knowledge Base Article

Bike Angels FAQ

What is Bike Angels?

Bike Angels is a reward program that offers points for relocating bikes to locations where riders most need them. Angels earn rewards based on the points they earn each month, plus additional swag for hitting lifetime point milestones. Best of all, Bike Angels are do-gooders who help the system run smoothly for all.


How do I sign up for Bike Angels?

You can sign up in the app by going to your profile, in the side menu, and clicking ‘Bike Angels’. You can also tap here from your phone to sign up directly. Bike Angels is only available to riders with a Citi Bike membership.




Where can I check how many points I have?

If you are an active Bike Angel, you can see your monthly reward points, and how many points you’d need until your next reward, on the home screen of the Citi Bike app. To see your monthly and lifetime points, just tap on the ‘Bike Angels’ tab from your profile, or when opening the app you will see your lifetime points shown in your Citi Bike app.




Did Bike Angels change with the new Citi Bike app?

We updated the Citi Bike app in February 2021, with a fresh new look and several new features. While Bike Angels has a new look, as well, it’s still the same great program it was before. We have also made some changes based on your feedback to improve the monthly and lifetime rewards.


I was a Bike Angel before the new app update — do I get to keep my points?

Yes! When you sign in to the new Citi Bike app for the first time, your existing Bike Angel points will automatically carry over. If your account is missing points, please reach out to support and we will fix this for you.


What were the changes to the monthly rewards?

We’ve added 10 free ebike minutes, which are unlocked after the first 10 points you earn each month. Weekly membership extensions are still available, and earning 80 points will now unlock a full calendar month (instead of just 4 weeks). We have also added Lyft credit, from 80-200 points, that can be used to pay for Citi Bike or Lyft rides — see the full list of rewards.


What were the changes to the lifetime rewards?

We have recently updated the entire lineup. Swag now includes a new water bottle, gloves, backpack, and a new Bike Angels key. Each physical reward also now comes with a corresponding pin. Also, all Bike Angels that get to 250 lifetime points will permanently unlock 60 min rides for their membership (up from the standard 45) — see the full list of rewards.


Where can I access the leaderboard?

Monthly Leaderboards can be accessed on the Citi Bike website, as well as in the app from the Bike Angels tab.


How do I check how many points I earned for a specific ride?

When a ride earns points, you will see this reflected in the notification at the end of your ride, as well as in the app before you rate your ride. To check how many points you received for a previous ride, you can check your ride history from the sidebar in the app. These pages will also indicate when you unlocked a reward from a trip. If a given ride earned 0 points, these pages will also offer an explanation of why.



How do I redeem rewards?

Rewards are redeemed instantly as soon as you hit the required number of points. For physical rewards that need to be shipped out, you will receive an email as soon as you unlock a reward, so you can specify the address where you’d like to receive your swag.


Do ebike rides count for Bike Angel points?

Yes! Ebike rides and classic rides earn the same amount of points.

Updated 4 years ago
Version 7.0

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