Knowledge Base Article

Bike Angels Beginner FAQ

Just getting started with Bike Angels? Check out the dropdowns below for common beginner questions.

What is Bike Angels? How do I sign up?

What is Bike Angels?

Bike Angels is a rewards program offering points for moving bikes to locations where riders most need them. Angels bank points and choose rewards, plus they get additional swag for hitting lifetime achievements. Bike Angels are do-gooders who help the systems run smoothly for all.


How do I sign up for Bike Angels?

Sign up in the profile of your bikeshare app. In the side menu, click ‘Bike Angels’, or tap here from your phone to sign up directly. 

What memberships are eligible for Bike Angels?


How do I earn Bike Angels points with Lyft Pink?

Bike Angels points appear in the bikeshare apps. Lyft Pink members can access their bikeshare benefits and earn points in the bikeshare apps using their Lyft account credentials. 


How do the points work?

How do I know how many points I’ll earn on a ride?

  • Look for stations offering Bike Angles points
    • An icon with an arrow pointing out indicates bikes needing to be taken from that station and vice versa
  • To earn points for a ride, take a bike from a station that has too many bikes to a station that is in need of bikes
  • You’ll earn the combined total of the pick-up points plus drop-off points for every ride
    • Rides starting at a station with drop-off points earn 0 points and will break a streak multiplier
    • Rides ending at a station with pick-up points earn 0 points and will break a streak multiplier
    • If a station has no icon, that station is considered neutral and well-balanced to receive or release bikes

How often do points change?

Points on the map refresh every 15 mins, but no sweat—points are locked in for every ride. The points totals for a ride are determined by the score for that ride at the time the ride starts, regardless of the duration of the ride.

Why aren’t the points showing on the map?

If you’re not seeing points on stations and are using your bikeshare app, the points may have gotten toggled off. Visit the Bike Angels profile, and scroll to the bottom to see the option to toggle points on and off. 

Where can I see my points?

To view the points earned on a ride, visit your ride history and look for the points icon in the ride details. 

To view your current points bank or lifetime points totals, tap the hamburger menu, and then tap ‘Bike Angels’ to view your Bike Angels profile. 

Isn’t there a leaderboard? Where can I find that?

Each bikeshare system has a monthly leaderboard. Find links at the bottom of the community homepage


Updated 3 months ago
Version 3.0
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