October Cruiseletter
What’s Next? 🌆🚴 Bike Angels from Chicago, D.C., Boston, San Francisco, and Portland joined the chat! The email campaign to invite new Bike Angels to the community welcomed more than 400 new members this Fall—increasing our member base by about 20%. We’ll continue inviting new members to the community to keep the conversation fresh and the community growing. Superusers will begin to more clearly emerge as conversations become more complex and frequent. Community Tune Up 👼💪 With a growing community, we’ll see more discussions to join, Helping Angels and keeping the community productive and safe will require more attention. If you see something that doesn’t belong in the community, let the Bike Angels Team know by reporting the post. This helps our team spot questionable content as quickly as possible. Wheelie Good News 🛞🗞️ 291 New Community Members 6x more than last September 3,101 Site Visits Up 66% compared with last September 2,336 Angels Leveled Up 680,942 Point-Earning Rides Longest distance point-earning ride TM376 (CaBi) | 17.52 miles Most Unique Stations Visited NS143 (Citi Bike) | 256 stations Note: Your Angel Code is the Initials of the name on your account + the last three digits of your phone number89Views2likes0CommentsSeptember Cruiseletter
What’s Next? 🌆🚴 Our Divvy Angels are joining the community conversation! We began sending invitations to our Chicago Bike Angels early this month, and we’ve seen a 269% increase in registrations since launching our email campaign. The community will start to take a new route together—where Angels from across the U.S. can connect and help one another maximize their Angel experience. Community Tune Up 👼💪 New FAQ articles coming this fall! To ramp up the power of the community and answer the most common questions Bike Angels raise, we’re publishing a short series of FAQ articles covering topics like streaks and reporting and issue with a bike or station. Wheelie Good News 🛞🗞️ Bike Angels Stats | August All Brands 92 New Community Members 2,560 Site Visits 1,559 Angels Leveled Up 626,644 Point-Earning Rides Longest distance point-earning ride TM376 | 17.28 miles116Views1like0CommentsAugust Cruiseletter
Rolling Onward 🌆🚴 As the riding season is reaching its peak, things are heating up in the community Community discussions increased 47% this July compared with last year, and threads are richer and more complex Posts are more reliably answered and quickly—conversations in July were replied to within 20.6 hours Community Tune Up 👼💪 Did you know you can add more than one tag to a post? Tags help locate content within a theme, and can help the Bike Angels Team to find helpful information and feedback from community posts. We use tags to add context to posts for different bikeshare systems. Adding a second or third tag can help members categorize content at a glance. When using tags, always defer to the closest suggested tag if one already exists. Wheelie Good News 🛞🗞️ Bike Angels Stats | July All Bikeshare Brands 80 New Community Members 2,458 Site Visits 1,559 Angels Leveled Up 520,767 Point-Earning Rides Longest distance point-earning ride TM913 | 14.57 miles Note: Your Angel Code is the Initials of the name on your account + the last three digits of your phone number76Views0likes0CommentsMarch Cruiseletter
What’s Next? 🌆🚴 The community is getting a big tune up to get ready for Summer! In the coming months, you’ll see some changes in the way things on the homepage and site pages appear, and the community will be a little easier for Angels to navigate and join in conversations. We’re excited to share the finer details with you in April or sooner. 🛠️ Community Tune Up 👼💪 TAGS! Tags make information in the community a little easier to find and identify. Tags are especially helpful for Bike Angels from other cities to distinguish relevant content about their city and their Bike Angels program. In the future, tags will become more prominently displayed and will be more integral in the community experience. Using the cities example above, we’ll have tags for each city to help organize content and create a catalog of city-specific posts, and you’ll be able to add other tags to help highlight the theme of the information. Wheelie Good News 🛞🗞️ Citi Bike Bike Angels Stats | February 57 New Community Members 1,107 Site Visits 763 Angels Leveled Up 316,969 Point-Earning Rides Longest distance point-earning ride ST303 | 12.13 miles Most Point-Earning Rides in February Angels who moved the most unique bikes in February Angels who visited the most unique stations in February Note: Your Angel Code is the Initials of the name on your account + the last three digits of your phone number104Views2likes1CommentJanuary Cruiseletter
What’s Next? 🌆🚴 As the conversation in our Help forum grows, we’ll need more ways to sort and organize community content. Tagging posts and creating more defined forums to help each other with more specific topics will help us keep up with the pace of the community as more topics get created. In the first half of the year, we’ll prioritize tagging posts to help Angels more easily surface content. Community Tune Up 👼💪 Tagging! We’ve noticed some members are adding tags to posts, and we think that is super helpful to categorize topics as our forums and membership grow. You might notice some community posts being retroactively tagged, and we want to encourage you to add simple tags to your posts, like ‘Citi Bike’ ‘Divvy’ ‘Reward’ ‘Streak’ ‘Feedback’. Add a tag to your post in the pane to the right of the 'start a conversation' window as shown below. Wheelie Good News 🛞🗞️ Citi Bike Bike Angels Stats | December 55 New Community Members 996 Site Visits 893 Angels Leveled Up 307,209 Point-Earning Rides Longest distance point-earning ride KZ700 | 15.39 miles Most Point-Earning Rides in December Angels who moved the most unique bikes in December Angels who visited the most unique stations in December Note: Your Angel Code is the Initials of the name on your account + the last three digits of your phone number97Views0likes0CommentsDecember Cruiseletter
What’s Next? 🌆🚴 During the colder months, we take some time to review and reflect on the busy riding season—how the community grew and how we supported each other here. This year, community members created 159 topics with 626 replies and 59 accepted solutions. 🎉 We’re proud of the progress we’ve made here, but there is so much more we can do—with your help! 😉 Community Tune Up 👼💪 We’re gearing up for the coming year and making 2024 plans. When reviewing community content metrics, we found that our Cruiseletters are the most engaged with blog articles followed closely by articles about product updates. We’ll continue posting these styles of articles in 2024, while looking for new ways to add value to community announcements. What sort of content is missing in the community? Comment Below! Wheelie Good News 🛞🗞️ Citi Bike Bike Angels Stats | November 37 New Community Members 10,617 Site Visits 1,746 Angels Leveled Up 391,045 Point-Earning Rides Longest distance point-earning ride MC060 | 15.62 miles Most Point-Earning Rides in November Angels who moved the most unique bikes in November Angels who visited the most unique stations in November Note: Your Angel Code is the Initials of the name on your account + the last three digits of your phone number159Views1like2CommentsNovember Cruiseletter
What’s Next? 🌆🚴 As the community grows, we’ll consistently pulse check to see how we can provide more valuable content for community members. We plan to keep sharing general product announcements and updates to provide a resource and insight into product updates and launches that are relevant to Bike Angels. What sort of content do you want to see in the community? Comment below! 💬 Community Tune Up 👼💪 The community site structure is pretty simple at present with our Help forum and our Welcome forum. With Angels from all across the US finding the community, the need to organize the content here has grown, and we’re exploring ways to categorize community posts in the coming year. How can you help? In the meantime, we ask that members use simple and clear titles when creating new topics to help other Angels find helpful or interesting content. Wheelie Good News 🛞🗞️ Citi Bike Bike Angels Stats | October 40 New Community Members 7,848 Site Visits 1,430 Angels Leveled Up 481,162 Point-Earning Rides Longest Point-Earning ride (Distance) NA200 | 13.68 miles Most Point-Earning Rides in October Angels who moved the most unique bikes in October Angels who visited the most unique stations in October Note: Your Angel Code is the Initials of the name on your account + the last three digits of your phone number79Views1like0CommentsOctober Cruiseletter
What’s Next? 🌆🚴 As the riding season winds down, and chilly weather breezes in we find our self planning for future community updates. This year we introduced insights blogs and our first AMA in response to feedback from Angels that indicated they wanted more connection with key Bike Angels Team members and more Bike Angels program data. Our future plans are inspired by community feedback. What updates would you like to see in the community? Comment below. Community Tune Up 👼💪 Community Guidelines Spot Check As the community grows, so will the structure. It’s important to post help questions in the Help forum to increase visibility of your topic, and to keep the site organized for all members to find what they need easily The community is a place people come when they have questions, and forums within the community should present topics in easy-to-understand formats. We ask that community members focus on creating clear titles that summarize their specific issue to avoid duplicate posts. This also helps create content that is easily searchable Always keep the Community Guidelines top of mind when creating posts in the community. Review them anytime here. Wheelie Good News 🛞🗞️ Citi Bike Bike Angels Stats | September 42 New Community Members 1,868 Site Visits 1,324 Angels Leveled Up 432,475 Point-Earning Rides Longest distance point-earning ride DO626 | 14.69 miles Most Point-Earning Rides in September Angels who visited the most unique stations in September Angels who moved the most unique bikes in September Note: Your Angel Code is the Initials of the name on your account + the last three digits of your phone number109Views3likes0CommentsAugust Cruiseletter
What’s Next? 🌆🚴 Our community is growing and has been much more lively than last summer. We had 50x the number of topics and replies posted here last month than the previous July! Visitors are 7x more likely to become a member*, and members are spending twice the amount of time on site. As liveliness in our Help and Welcome forums grows, we’ll identify themes to create additional forums to help Angels connect with each other more easily. Community Tune Up 👼💪 You might have noticed that the members online indicator on our homepage often said 0 members were online in the community. You may not have noticed, since this feature is only visible when you’re logged out. Either way—We fixed this dynamic indicator to ensure members will be able to see how many members are live in the community in real time. Wheelie Good News 🛞🗞️ Citi Bike Bike Angels Stats | August 40 New Community Members 1,461 Site Visits 2,077 Angels Leveled Up 434,592 Point-Earning Rides Longest distance point-earning ride BC112 | 13.96 miles Most Point-Earning Rides in August Angels who visited the most unique stations in August Angels who moved the most unique bikes in August Note: Your Angel Code is the Initials of the name on your account + the last three digits of your phone number *Compared July 2022 with July 2023318Views1like1CommentJuly Cruiseletter
What’s Next? 🌆🚴 You tell us! What kinds of interaction or content do you want to see here? We listen when community members have ideas or make callouts. If you notice something isn’t working or have an idea about what type of information would make our community site more helpful—we want to hear them! Comment below or take our site survey when you see it pop up. Community Tune Up 👼💪 Members will see the option to accept solutions again! 🎊 This option was lost along the ride with some updates, but we’ve made sure it’s live again. Solved topics that become FAQ articles increase our community value by offering clear and simple pages for common issues that can be found when non-members search in major search engines. That’s a big deal! The community offers us the power to create the types of communication and information we want to share. Wheelie Good News 🛞🗞️ Citi Bike Bike Angels Stats | June 83 New Community Members 2,211 Site Visits 1,616 Angels Leveled Up 340,013 Point-Earning Rides Longest distance point-earning ride EM308 | 15.59 miles Most Point-Earning Rides in June Angels who visited the most unique stations in June Angels who moved the most unique bikes in June Note: Your Angel Code is the Initials of the name on your account + the last three digits of your phone number155Views1like0Comments