Forum Discussion

Mattie_Metro's avatar
Resourceful Rider
2 years ago


I'm noticing some pretty heavy duty monthly points totals for some Angels. Seems to me some riders are soon gonna be topping that lifetime point threshold like some sparklers on a multi tiered wedding cake.  My proposal, add a new lifetime points category with the prize being a foldable bike helmet made from recycled materials! (In fact it spins logically to me that all the prizes should be made from recycled/ climate friendly materials (i.e. organic cotton/ recycled plastic/metal/nylon/polyester) as the action of biking and sharing those bikes is environmentally friendly in and of itself. Complete the revolution and make the whole process, from breadth to depth, follow along the lines of those inherent operating values! 

  • Jess's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hi, Mattie_Metro, thanks for sharing your ideas in the community. I appreciate the sustainable aspect!

    Our teams always welcome feedback about the program from engaged Angels, and the community is a great place to bounce your ideas off Angels and the Bike Angels Team.

    I passed this post along to the teams that work on Bike Angels rewards to be sure your thoughts are heard. I hope you'll continue to raise interesting ideas for discussion here. 😊

    • tgrim12's avatar
      Steady Solver

      Some kind of bike umbrella for rainy days might be a good prize option too. And sticking with he rainy day theme, a super absorbent cloth to wipe off seats with as well.