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Recent ContentBay Wheels app shows remaining time inconsistently ; could it show the end time or maybe minutes lef On my Bay Wheels app, it's hard to tell exactly when my streak will end since it generally shows hours remaining. Also sometimes it shows a different number of hours depending on which screen you're on! Could this be updated to show the hours and minutes remaining? And/or the end time? Inaccurate Count Down Clock for Boost Expiration I checked the app this morning and the home page said I had 3,hours to complete x number of rides before my boost would expire. I clicked on the Bike Angels section and it said I only had 2 hours to complete x number of rides. This is not the first time I’ve seen this discrepancy with the countdown clock. Has anyone else experienced this? Contacting Lyft customer service e has not been helpful. This needs to be fixed. Unauthorized Charge Citibike charged my credit card 239$ without my authorization. Called customer service and got nowhere as the rep did not understand my issue. Was told my situation would be escalated. Haven't gotten a response????? No more ACH payments In reading the fine print when accepting my reward from Tremendous yesterday, I see: Please note: your redemption options are changing in the coming year. Starting February 2025, you will be able to redeem your points for gift cards at Amazon, Walmart, Doordash, and Delta. We’re also adding the option to redeem your points for donations to a number of charities. ACH transfer will no longer be available. Can you please explain exactly how this change will work, since you have failed to officially notify us of the change, as usual. Does this mean that for rides we take in January, which in theory would redeemed at the end of January, and rewards given in February, for those we will no longer be able to take the ACH option? Does it mean that starting in February,those rides will not be able to be redeemed for cash? What if our December payments are delayed past January, into the beginning of February, does that mean rides taken (and points accrued) under the current system will not be able to be able to be redeemed for cash? Also, what prompted this change? Does Lyft feel cutting out the Bike Angels will save them enough money so they can hire more employees to do the work we now do? I think most other Bike Angels would appreciate more information and clarification on this drastic change in the program. Thanks. SolvedDead link has a link for the rewards, the link goes to which is a 404 ability to always choose full assist or never It'd be nice if the Android Bay Wheels app had a setting where I could set this behavior for when checking out a bike and there are no standard bikes in a dock: ask me every time (default) always choose full assist always choose no assist I find myself always picking one option and it'd be great to not have to do that. Thanks! Solvedshow always credits on the map screen On the android bay wheels app I see that there's a little window that shows you your bike credits above the station window if you select a station; it'd be nice to have the option to always show that credits window whenever you're on the map screen. Solvedsuggesting more stations for Bay Wheels How can I suggest more stations for Bay Wheels? There are a few spots in Berkeley that would be great for stations! Add stations in Treasure Island (Bay Wheels) I noticed there are no stations on Treasure Island in the Bay Wheels network; it would be really cool to have one (or a few) there! You can ride bikes over the eastern span of the Bay Bridge (i.e. to Oakland/Emeryville) just not across the western span (yet!) (i.e. to SF). So November Cash Payments are Delayed? Nearing the end of November and still haven’t received payment for points redeemed in October. Payments seem to be delayed the past deqmontjs according to some of the comments I’ve seen in this chat. They need to fix it. It’s disincentive for me and probably other Bike Angels to be out there hustling to earn points. Lyft/Citibike need to resolve this issue. Solved