Recent Discussions
Idea: Always Offer Low-assist option for eBikes (next-gen)
As many riders know, the low-assist mode for next-gen eBikes is only available if there are no classic/acoustic bikes at the station. When you then scan the eBike using the app you choose between low assist and full assist. Citi Bike ought to offer the option of low assist for next-gen eBikesregardless of the presence of a classic/acoustic bike to accommodate. If you agree with this idea, please like this post to show your interest to the Bike Angel team. For me there are two reasons why I'd like to see this: Classic bikes have seats that don't go high enough for riders 6'1 or taller which can lead to knee pain for long or uphill rides. Next-gen bikes allow for the seat to move higher but more often than not I have to pay for this privilege because there are classic bikes at the station. On more than one occasion I don't get the pedal assist option for eBikes because there's one classic bike at a broken dock that can't be removed so I'm forced to pay for a full power eBike ride when I don't want to/shouldn't have to. To streamline the experience, this should be an opt-in option so that full-assist riders used to scanning and riding aren't burdoned by having to choose full-assist each time. Lastly, in conjunction with this idea, please offer users the pedal assist preference via the iPhone and Android apps (under Settings). For some reason it is only offered via after logging into your account making it frustrating and confusing for riders who primarily use the app and can't find anywhere to update their preference:RedDragon7 days agoResourceful Rider146Views6likes4CommentsCity Explorer has not worked for a while
Hi-any chance of getting the City Explorer on the app to work again? I liked seeing which stations I had visited on the map, and how many in total I have used. iOS, Citibike app ver Thanks.robertripps13 days agoCasual Commenter81Views0likes7CommentsIDEA - incentive for moving eBikes
Somebody posted that there is no incentive to move ebikes. I had an idea this morning for how to create an incentive. The algo could be optimized such that Citibike could recognize situations where Dock A was ebike heavy, but Dock B had few or no ebikes. Since it improves the network to more evenly distribute ebikes, the algo could temporarily "toggle off" all regular bikes at Dock A making them out of service -- which would create an incentive for Bike Angels to move an ebike in low-pedal assist mode (free) from Dock A. Since Dock B nearby had vacancies, BAs should spot that opportunity and move the ebike. Once Dock B got enough ebikes, Citibike could "toggle on" the regular bikes at Dock A, and return to normal system function. The only people who would be mad about this algo modification are non-BA users who go to Dock A hoping/expecting to use a pedal bike, but find none available. On the other hand, for every person who is upset at Dock A, there is probably a person who goes to Dock B hoping to find an ebike and is delighted to find one (assuming a BA moved an ebike there), so on balance, as far as user experience goes, this algo change should be more or less neutral over time.KingNerd115 days agoResourceful Rider38Views0likes1CommentAlways show Bike Angel points earned when completing a positive ride
Currently, bike angel points earned when completing a positive ride are always shown in the app except when the [multiplier] clock restarts. I'm petitioning to: Always display points earned and your multiplier after every positive ride Reduce confusion for new bike angels by renaming the "clock" to "multiplier clock" When your positive ride ends without the clock restarting the end-of-ride screen displays a summary of your positive ride telling you how many points you earned with your multiplier: When your positive ride ends with the clock restarting the end-of-ride screen only tells you about the multiplier clock restarting with no information on how many points you just earned: Both of these changes will improve the experience for new and current bike angels and reduce confusion.RedDragon17 days agoResourceful Rider27Views1like0CommentsImprove the Citi Bike Map
Problem: In the Citi Bike map (in the app) it is almost impossible to tell traffic flow direction for streets when browsing the map, an arguably important piece of information when biking in NYC. Similarly, reading street names is just as hard with them only appearing if you zoom in almost all the way! The green bike lane lines cover the street arrows which indicate the direction of traffic (I've circled two arrows that are being covered). Also, only two street name labels are showing here: Suggestions: Make it easier to see the traffic flow arrows by either making the direction arrows easier to see (change color, size, etc) or allow users to toggle the green bike lane overlay on the map on and off Make it easier to see/read street names and prioritize them over places of interest Add a toggle to show/hide places of interest on the map (restaurants, hotels, stores, etc) Lastly, an argument against improving the current experience might be to user the "directions" feature which will give you a correct route but to that I say that sometimes we just want to do an ad-hoc bike ride. Secondly, bike angels (like me) would love to better see street names and traffic flow directions I don't really use the directions feature because there's no way to simply put a pin on the map or tap on a station as your start and end address; we must type in the address which is time-consuming.RedDragon20 days agoResourceful Rider107Views7likes3CommentsAlgo limitations downtown
I'm new to point farming but enjoy the gamified aspect. I've noticed that the algo does well in Midtown and UES at showing opportunities for local rebalancing, presumably because local supply/demand varies. Bike Angels on streaks can help here. But downtown, the supply/demand imbalance often seems regional, with literally ALL docks showing the same imbalance. (For example, early mornings) When this happens, Bike Angels have no incentive to work, and bikes will only be repositioned by long-haul riders, who almost by definition are not point farmers. Does Citibike understand why this regional asymmetry exist? Can it be solved, perhaps by off-hour en masse moves to create local imbalances?KingNerd120 days agoResourceful Rider56Views1like1CommentApp map says ride is positive. But docking terminates streak.
Hi. As I take a bike out of a dock, I stare at the app map to make sure that the dock is either positive or zero. As I dock a bike, I stare at the app map to make sure that the dock is either positive or zero. For every ride, I make sure that either undocking or docking is positive and the ride is net positive. No negatives for my rides! Yet, three times in the past week, docking a bike has terminated my 3X streak. As best I can figure, in the few seconds while the Lyft computer system is processing the undocking scan or in the few seconds while the Lyft computer system is processing the docking of the bike, the dock switches to a negative number. That sequence of events unfairly terminates my 3X streaks. To be fair to us Angels, we, somehow, need a few seconds of grace so that we can take bikes and dock bikes without getting blindsided by an invisible streak-ending computer system reset. Lyft's amazing programmers could program each dock to flash for five seconds a warning that the dock's points are about to change. When we Angels see the warning, we could wait to see what the new number is. If need be, we could head for a different dock and keep our streaks going. Or, perhaps Lyft's amazing programmers could program the Lyft computer system to wait until five seconds after a number change before it applies a dock's new numbers to rides. One way or another, we Angels need five seconds or so of grace to keep our streaks going when we make our pick-up and drop-off decisions based on the information that we see on the app map. Thank you in advance for your ingenious solution!SolvedDemonAngel21 days agoResourceful Rider99Views1like5CommentsAngel Points for low battery e-bike to charging dock
On the Citibike Reddit there are some threads about this, I posted one long response with some ideas about what that could look like, which I reproduce here: Once there are a few more charging stations, there is a motivation to do this –I'd been thinking about it already before seeing these posts. But once almost all of the stations have charging docks, there would be less motivation. There doesn't seem to be much interest at CitiBike to add Angel features or more sophisticated points computations – due to the fundamental benefit of simplicity, the cost of hiring more software engineers to implement and support features, but in this case also the chance that if charging docks are widely deployed there might be no more need for this feature. In any possible implementation of such a feature, it would be essential to keep the additional rules for points as simple as possible, and avoid creating unfavorable or confusing interactions with the existing points system or confusion on the part of the Bike Angels. For it to make sense for CitiBike to add Angel points for moving "low charge" e-bikes (whose remaining range is below some threshold, maybe 2 or 3 miles?) from a non-charging station to a charging dock, they would need to have confidence that those bikes would stay in the charging dock until they were (mostly? fully?) charged. I don't know whether those stays are or would be enforced, and if so, for how long, but regardless, it‘s inversely correlated with a need for more bikes in the station. To avoid that conflict of interests CItiBike couldadd points for dropping off "low charge" e-bikes only atneutralcharging stations. Those stations could beindicated with a yellow lightning bolt badgewhere the usual +/- points badge would be if they were not neutral. As CitiBike gains experience with this system, they could tweak the Angel points algorithm to favor a neutral status for charging stations in situations where they might otherwise be +/- 1 point. Showing the location of "low charge" e-bikes to Bike Angels is tricky, but critical, since Angels are lazy hard workers unlikely to search stations on the off chance of finding a "low charge" e-bike. Ideally there would be both anindication of stations with "low charge" e-bikes in the appand anindication for "low charge" e-bikes on their docks. Currently, red and yellow LEDs indicate bikes that require recharging and are not available for pick-up; extending this to "low charge" e-bikes would be somewhat helpful, but it would be better to have a distinctive indication, perhaps a flashing yellow LED only? This would probably require updates to the dock software or firmware (and maybe the Cosmo e-bikes as well), but if A/B stations can display red to prevent dock blocking, they might be able to identify "low charge" e-bikes in some way. Doing so would also be helpful for non-Angel members looking for e-bikes with enough range for a longer ride. The station icons in the app are already cluttered, with e-bike and classic bike counters as well as Angel points. While the number of "low charge" e-bikes is definitely of interest, those numbers are likely to be small in most cases, maybe one to three and rarely more than that, unlike bikes unavailable due to very low charge. This would need to be displayed at pick-up stations (which already have a number for Angel points), as well as neutral stations, but probably not at drop-off stations, where it would be counterproductive. Abadge with one, two, or three "low bat" symbols for a non-charging station with one, two, or 3+ "low charge" e-bikeswould not take up too much space and would not be confused with the other counters or Angel point indications. If it is easier to use Unicode symbols, trigrams might work: ☱ ☳ ☷. Given that this data can change with every dock or undock, rather than just once every 15 minutes, it should be displayed together with the e-bike and classic bike counters, and suppressed from the display when e-bike and classic bike counters are merged into one. It may be that the information about the number of "low charge" e-bikes at a station is not available, or impractical to update together with other availability data. If it isn't possible to display this, it might still make sense to offer Bike Angel points for moving "low charge" e-bikes from a non-charging station to a charging dock, but probably only if there is an indication for "low charge" e-bikes on their docks. Rather than waiving e-bike fees, it would make more sense for CitiBike tooffer optional pedal assist mode for "low charge" e-bikes. It may be impractical to restrict that to Bike Angel members, but there's value in offering it to all users. This feature wouldnotbe available at a station with charging docks, onlyat off-grid non-charging stations. The purpose would be to extend the "charge lifetime" of e-bikes and to make moving "low-charge" e-bikes more appealing to Bike Angels, since they could do so for free. It may not be worth implementing if there are no points for moving "low-charge" e-bikes from non-charging stations to charging docks, and even if there are points, implementing this would be an optional add-on. Well, that's a lot of ideas, it's not a simple application and I wouldn't expect to see anything like it this year or probably even next year, but perhaps someone working at CitiBike might find it useful or an inspiration for other ideas.SashaMetro2 months agoResourceful Rider30Views0likes1CommentStale pricing data on website
I was just looking at the station JSON data and clicked through the rental URI "rental_uris": { "android": "", "ios": "" }, which took me to where I see the following outdated information: Pricing Get started with a single ride or a day pass. $3.50/ride Includes the first 30 minutes of one ride on a classic Citi Bike. When you upgrade your ride to an ebike, it will be an extra $0.18/min. $15/day 24 hours of Citi Bike access, includes unlimited 30-minute rides on a Classic Citi Bike. Although its nice to see the ebike per-minute price given (what about classic bike price after 30 minutes?), these are rather out of date compared to the updated pricing in the footer link ( Single ride $4.79/trip Great for quick trips Day pass $19 Perfect for visitors exploring New YorkSashaMetro2 months agoResourceful Rider10Views0likes1CommentDivvy Cash for Points Please
Thank you. Please, implement Divvy points for cash as is available in some other markets. Please, would someone here with the ability to forward, request, argue, beg, the people who make Lyft decisions make this happen. Thank you. In a few days I banked enough points for a years worth of membership extensions. Since those days, I have not been on a Divvy Bike Angels ride. Sure, not much different than just riding for 80pts a month, but if there was a cash incentive, or some other options to redeem Lyft credits, I'd be out redistributing bikes everyday. Just saying. Thank you.jm2 months agoHustlin' Helper486Views2likes2Comments