Forum Discussion

RedDragon's avatar
Resourceful Rider
6 months ago

Always show Bike Angel points earned when completing a positive ride

Currently, bike angel points earned when completing a positive ride are always shown in the app except when the [multiplier] clock restarts. I'm petitioning to:

  1. Always display points earned and your multiplier after every positive ride
  2. Reduce confusion for new bike angels by renaming the "clock" to "multiplier clock"

When your positive ride ends without the clock restarting the end-of-ride screen displays a summary of your positive ride telling you how many points you earned with your multiplier:

When your positive ride ends with the clock restarting the end-of-ride screen only tells you about the multiplier clock restarting with no information on how many points you just earned:

Both of these changes will improve the experience for new and current bike angels and reduce confusion.

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