Forum Discussion

Gator's avatar
Resourceful Rider
2 years ago

3X Streak Ended on a Positive Ride

I had a 3X streak going that was ENDED by a ride in which I earned 9 points: I picked up from a neutral station and returned to a station that had 9 return points.  In the past I believe that all positive rides kept streaks alive and streaks were only ENDED by negative rides (neutral rides to 0/0 stations would not end a streak).  Had anyone else had the same issue? 

  • Hey Gator ! Neutral rides shouldn't affect streaks and negative pickup and dropoff locations will immediately end an active streak, just like you mentioned. If there was an issue with a specific streak from your rides on Friday, I'd recommend contacting Support, here, to ask them to take a peak at what happened in case there were any issues.

  • jenniferrp's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hey Gator ! Neutral rides shouldn't affect streaks and negative pickup and dropoff locations will immediately end an active streak, just like you mentioned. If there was an issue with a specific streak from your rides on Friday, I'd recommend contacting Support, here, to ask them to take a peak at what happened in case there were any issues.

  • DanMan's avatar
    Steady Solver

    Yeah, I wouldn’t waste your time with that.  If the system ended your streak, no one at support will be able to fix it.  The system is ALWAYS right, the rider is ALWAYS wrong.

  • bwitt's avatar
    Steady Solver

    I just experienced something very similar to this!  I started at neutral and ended at negative.  I contacted support and they told me this was expected, that my streak ended because I started at a neutral and ended at negative 😞