Forum Discussion

CarolTandava's avatar
Steady Solver
3 years ago

Tire Pressure Problems--Can We Help???

Hi Jess ,   Tire pressure is becoming a huge problem, particularly on classic bikes. Nearly every bike I've ridden in the past several months has had low to flat back tires. So I've been thinking t...
  • Jess's avatar
    3 years ago

    Hello, CarolTandava, thank you for your thoughtful post and for connecting with me about the tire pressure issue you’ve noticed lately. I can understand this would make earning Angel points more difficult and less fun, and I’m sorry to hear this is going on. 


    I appreciate you sharing your inventive idea and the amount of detail you included! I really think this speaks to the level of community that Bike Angels are working to foster here and on the ground. Like Bike Angels, I love solving problems and helping other people, and this sort of feedback is a great example of the power of the community. 


    I’m noting this feedback internally to share with our Ops Teams and the Bike Angels Team that there is both: an ongoing tire pressure issue and that Bike Angels are interested in helping maintain the system in other ways than moving bikes. 


    Thank you also for crossposting to the FB community! As the program and communities grow, these resources will be invaluable for Angels. I hope you’ll continue to support Bike Angels online, as you’ve been such a stellar member of the program! 🌟🚲👼