Forum Discussion

Sean's avatar
Steady Solver
2 years ago

Stations/Points slow to show on map

Since early this month, March, the stations (and points) have been slow to show up in the map in the app. The area immediately around where I’m located shows up but then everything else is slow to propagate, or only partially propagates. This lag makes it very hard to figure out where I’m going next, especially when I’m traveling across the city. I often go longer distances, even just to appointments around the city, and (regardless of points) this lag makes it annoying to difficult to see the stations near my destination.


I do various tricks, which can help encourage larger sections of the map to propagate, but no trick is reliably responsive, and the farthest reaches don’t always show up.



Switching between the public transit and bike tabs at gr bottom of the app screen works the best, but typically I frequently zoom in and out to seemingly nudge the app to propagate more (not always all) of the city. 

This lag is especially tedious when it stops right before the neighborhood or stations I’m looking to see.


Is anything going on in general? Are others seeing this lag? Was it a conscious design change? Or is it a bug?  General glitch or a glitch specific to my app?



  • Sean's avatar
    Steady Solver

    Issue continues. The best trick for me at this point is to switch to the Public transit map and then back, but that still is clunky. At best, the map loads in sections, sometimes getting stuck as it loads from north to south. At worst, the map stays stuck showing the few stations around the immediate location where I happen to be.

  • RickyDee's avatar
    Steady Solver

    It’s not just you; I’ve noticed it as well so it seems like an app issue. At first I thought it was due to my phone being old but just got a new one and it’s the same. Just today l think l found an easy fix until the app is fixed; try tapping on any station that is showing. Whenever I noticed the issue (4 or 5 times today) this immediately populated the map with the missing ones. 

    • Sean's avatar
      Steady Solver

      Thanks for the response, RickyDee. I tried that tip but it didn’t seem to make a difference for me today, as the app, for its part, was loading with less of a delay, in sections of the map from top down, and I was wondering if there was less of a load on the servers today. That has been my main suspicion, that perhaps the way the load is being processed has shifted somehow this month. I too had wondered if it was my phone, though. But I had bought a new phone in January and the map was fine until March. So.  Anyway, thanks again. By the way, we met downtown a few months ago around Washington Square Park and we overlapped stations for a tad.. I’m the SB from way uptown. Enjoy your week., RD.