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Lyft Pink All Access is not what I thought!
Lyft Pink All Access is not what I thought! UPDATED THANK YOU OMAR WRONG. IT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE WISHED FOR AND MORE. WE WANT TO USE THE SHARED RIDE FEATURE, AND HAVE ALL THE CHARGES TAKEN ROME THE LYFT CREDITS OMAR SAYS WE CAN DO THAT IN NYC WE GET 60 MINUTES FREE E-BIKE CREDITS THAT'S NOT AVAILABLE IN OTHER MARKETS I thought I made it clear here what I wanted to do, but now I learn my Lyft credits do not transfer to Citibike!!?? UPDATE - WRONG. THEY APPLY SORRY ABOUT THE SNARK They're not available in the Citibike app? BECAUSE ONLY SHOWING UP ONCE IN MANHATTAN (OMAR) That really should be something that's pointed out right away to everybody. WHY? IT'S WELL KNOWN LYFT CREDITS APPLY ACROSS ALL LYFT PRODUCTS So when I get to New York City, I'll have a Lyft Pink All Access Pass membership, and a lot of money in Lyft credits. YEAH! I'll get to take a Citibike out, and all those membership benefits, but I have no access to my Lyft credits to spend on a Citibike? NOPE! WRONG I can use my Divvy Point Bank to buy Lyft credits and use them for Lyft rides in NYC. YES. LOVE THE PROGRAM ! I assumed Lyft credits were universal and could be used across all of Lyft products. ASSUMED CORRECTLY What a bummer. NO BUMMER OMAR FIX This fits in with the lack of support that I keep talking about. I've been posting here. I've been sending messages to Jess. I've been trying to nail this whole thing down. Asking questions, and nobody's from the company has come in and responded to any of this stuff TRUE I TRIED THE LYFT APP CHAT AND THEY HAD NO CLUE THEY REFERRED ME TO HERE MAKES SENSE THIS IS THE BIKE ANGELS FORUM. ALL THINGS BIKE ANGELS Here in the Citibike app. When I go to select a bike, it shows that I have ride credits available. So this is in the Citibike app that's showing me I have ride credits available. So why can't I use those credits? (photo) FIRST, AS WE ALL KNOW, THE CREDITS ARE APPLIED AUTOMATICALLY I CAN IT JUST WON'T SHOW UP IN THE RIDE CREDITS WINDOW UNTIL PEOPLE ARE IN MANHATTANjm2 hours agoHustlin' Helper60Views0likes8CommentsShared Rides Fees
Omar, Thank you again for all your help. Referencing your post below, never in the world do I wish that the word "should" means maybe it won't. After posting and getting the answer listed at the bottom. I thought that the charges of the shared rider would all be on my account. That's what I was assuming. Although re-reading the post, that exact information is not present. After the five free rides, will the share rided feature stop working? I mean, if we're using my membership, my Citibike app to initiate the bike unlock, I thought that the charges would be going through my app, and I could use my Lyft credits to pay for the shared rides. But you're saying the algorithm is robust, and my app will allow the unlock, and that perk is without the person having a membership, but all the subsequent fees are charged at the non-membership rate, including the unlocking fees, to the other shared persons CC. And the word "should" actually means, "will". Oh darn. Omar said... "If you do run out of free guest unlocks, your friend SHOULD be charged instead of you as the app flow should have it so your friend enters their phone number and payment information. They SHOULD be charged and member pricing will not apply." JM post on the subject Community answer "Hi again, I'm happy to help 😄 This is correct, that you can continue to use the 'Ride Together' feature after the 5 free unlocks are used. If you continue to use the feature, the unlock fees will not be free, but you can still ride with your friends as much as you would like!"Solvedjm3 hours agoHustlin' Helper50Views0likes7CommentsReason for Abandoned E-Bikes? Solutions?
I been seeing a growing number of abandoned CB E-Bikes lately while out riding. I assume the main reason is that the bike ran out of battery? If so I guess the rider did not see how much miles were left and determine if they had enough to get to their destination? I assume rider is still responsible for the cost of the bike if something happens to it before docking? Maybe CB should not allow bikes to be undocked with less than say 1 miles? Maybe put a flashing indicator on the screen when miles drop below say 2 miles? Interested in ideas. I hate seeing a growing number of abandoned bikes bc it just means CB costs will go up for all of us.Gaffano10 hours agoResourceful Rider10Views0likes0CommentsWhen do Gift cards come?
From what I gather, gift cards are supposed to show up in the first 10 days of the month. It's the 10th after 7 pm Eastern and I haven't received anything yet. Has anyone else gotten theirs? When do they usually show up?BananaBlack11 hours agoResourceful Rider122Views0likes7Comments1500 Point Key Now Plastic?
When I joined Bike Angels several years back the reward for 1500 points was a nice metal Citibike key. So I finally hit 1500 and received a cheap plastic one similar to my original one. Very disappointing! Achieving the metal one is like getting a fancy metal credit card that makes you feel special for your achievement. Bring back a metal key please! Thanks!Gaffano2 days agoResourceful Rider62Views1like3CommentsJess' "Bike Angels Beginner FAQ"
Jess' "Bike Angels Beginner FAQ" is a helpful addition to this forum, but it would benefit greatly (and is key to the Bike Angels experience) if it also addressed common problems and glitches people might encounter, along with options for resolutions (which are currently quite limited ). Aside from the expected technical issues, the real problem is the lack of support and the frustration of uncredited points. In the old days, they'd look it up, realize that an error was made, give you the points, and you move on. Those days are long gone. Lyft X ignores the facts and data presented, and refuses to explain why, then ignores any further communication. The phone support, while friendly, is now 100% unhelpful. They might keep you on the line for 30 minutes only to tell you the station was down, without crediting your points, and then refer you to email support. Aside from Jess, the email support is the best, but their communication is slow and cumbersome. Despite taking great care, I frequently lose points for legitimate rides and have given up on complaining. In Chicago, Divvy allows e-Bikes to be parked out of stations, and they're scattered all over the city. I track them down, often finding them in obscure locations. Returning these e-bikes to mainstream areas is crucial for the system’s health, but e-Bikes out of stations also carry the highest risk of not getting credited points.jm2 days agoHustlin' Helper38Views1like3CommentsSteady Pedaler Metal Key
Are these still available? days agoResourceful Rider411Views0likes6CommentsCitibike app "Bring a friend on a ride" ??
Hi If anyone can help it will be much appreciated. With the Citibike app is this "Bring a friend on a ride" feature enabled and is it unlimited? (photo below) In NYC I will have the Lyft All Access Pass and my friend will not have any memberships. With the Lyft Pink All Access Pass membership you use the Citibike app in NYC to get bikes. We're hoping the "Bring a friend on a ride" feature is enabled in the Citibike app and is it unlimited. As you can see in the Divvy app, there is an icon, and it reads: Bring a friend on your ride. Start riding together and add up to 1 person on your ride. Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.Solvedjm6 days agoHustlin' Helper77Views0likes4CommentsDisappearing, reappearing station.
Hi everyone, this morning I noticed that my local Citi Bike station had completely disappeared from the map, and all the bikes—both e-bikes and the classic bike—were marked as unavailable. I tried to check one out, but it was also marked unavailable. I assumed the station might be broken. However, at 7:30 AM, the station reappeared on the map, and all the bikes were suddenly available again. I'm curious, does Citi Bike shut down stations at night and then reopen them for commuter traffic in the morning? Could this be related to the Labor Day holiday weekend? Has anyone else experienced this?BananaBlack7 days agoResourceful Rider40Views0likes3CommentsWhy would I ever move an e-bike?
I've been an active participant in the Bike Angels program for about a year now and have found it incredibly rewarding, especially when moving non-electric bikes. However, I've encountered a challenge with e-bikes: the cost associated with redistributing them. Given this expense, I'm hesitant to spend my time moving e-bikes, which often results in certain stations accumulating these bikes. Is there a way to redistribute e-bikes without incurring costs, similar to how regular bikes can be moved for free? If not, what incentive is there for Bike Angels to redistribute e-bikes? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this matter.SolvedBananaBlack8 days agoResourceful Rider206Views5likes8Comments