Forum Discussion

Remco's avatar
Bike Angels Team
2 years ago

AMA Host Intro: Remco

Remco | Remco

  • 3,674 Lifetime Points
  • Community Mega Angel 
  • Software Engineer — Bike Angels 


I have been doing software testing in some form for most of my career. Within Lyft, I've mostly worked on tooling that allows people across the team to test features, including  a tool that helps people take test rides without leaving their desk and simulated ride, which is a load testing tool we also use to continuously ensure service health in our pre-production environment.


I'm a father of two girls, so most of my weekends are taken up by schlepping kids from parties to activities and so on, but occasionally I get to go on a date with my partner.


I'm an intermittent photographer, but I shamefully have to admit that I've mostly started taking pictures with my phone because phone cameras have just gotten too good. I'm also the main cook in our household, so I can prepare a pretty decent meal.


As a proud Dutchman without a driver's license I love getting around on bikes and by transit (not that I have much of a choice) and I love working on a product that helps generate the demand and critical mass that will make cities better for cyclists and pedestrians.


Many weekends you can find me biking around on our family bike with two kids in the back seat. I wish it were safer for them to bike on the street. Maybe someday…

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