Forum Discussion

BrooklynWater's avatar
Resourceful Rider
4 years ago

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Hi, regularly and mostly during the summer the bike station at Old Fulton St (near the ferry landing) has blackouts from cell phones,i.e. you can't scan or enter a code to take out a bike even though you can dock a bike. Is it my cell phone or has anyone else experienced this? I also get blackouts some times whilst riding on the piers in Brooklyn Bridge Park.

  • sef's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hey BrooklynWater 


    I’ve been asking around within our team and have some info for you!

    All of our bike stations connect via cellular service, similar to that of your smartphone. As more New Yorkers are out and about or visiting the pier this may create some increased connectivity issues while riding. 


    However, looking into your rides that day the station seems to have been online and functioning properly, are you seeing similar connectivity issues on your phone with other apps? I recommend turning off wifi while you ride as well. 


    If you aren’t already, you can also order a fresh Bike Key here that you can use to quickly unlock bikes at stations. (and to rep the brand of course)  


    Staying connected all around New York is a complex task, and we hear you! Our local ops teams are always checking stations and protocols to make sure we are as optimized as possible and addressing problematic stations. We flagged this to them too! 


    Thanks for riding with us and sharing valuable feedback!

    • BrooklynWater's avatar
      Resourceful Rider

      Follow up. The last 2 evenings (5/5/21 ~10pm and 5/4/21 ~8pm) the Fulton St station hasn't been working. I couldn't dock a bike (light would go red) and I noticed other people couldn't take out bikes with bike keys or cell phone app. Seriously I think there is an intermittent communications issue with this station.