Forum Discussion

Gflynyc's avatar
Casual Commenter
2 months ago

Inaccurate Count Down Clock for Boost Expiration

I checked the app this morning and the home page said I had 3,hours to complete x number of rides before my boost would expire.

I clicked on the Bike Angels section and it said I only had 2 hours to complete x number of rides.  This is  not the first time I’ve seen this discrepancy with the countdown clock.  Has anyone else experienced this?  Contacting Lyft customer service e has not been helpful.

This needs to be fixed.


  • Yup...there are tons of bugs in the system.  It has reset my triple points many times, but in the time it would take me to compose all the screen shots and compose a post I could have earned three times as many points.  Plus...half the time they don't even respond when I contact them through the website or on here.  They clearly have some sort of bias toward those who would spend time on a small stipend and don't seem to trust our intentions or comprehend that we are not desperate, rather we are go getters who choose to invest our free time as a way to live life a bit more freely long term.  

    • Gflynyc's avatar
      Casual Commenter

      Thanks for confirming that it’s not just an issue I’m having.  Hope that they do something about this.  I agree that it’s an exercise in torture contacting their customer service r department about anything.

      • omar's avatar

        Hey team!

        Apologies for the delay in response here.

        The original reporter, bwitt 2 years ago and it seems this issue still hasn't been fixed.

        Due to that, we have re-escalated this issue to our internal teams to investigate with a new report.

        Gflynyc, if you have any screenshots for this issue in the current day, or anyone else in this thread, please feel free to reply with screenshots in a reply or send me a DM!

  • bwitt's avatar
    Steady Solver

    Oh yeah I see this on the Android Bay Wheels app too.  I previously reported it here: