Forum Discussion

Pat's avatar
Resourceful Rider
3 years ago

What does the "bike_angels_digits" API field represent?

When making the request to, here's what one of the response elements in the features array looks like:

`bike_angels_action` and `bike_angels_points` fields seem pretty straightforward, it's just the _digits one that is stumping me. Anyone have an idea what it might represent?

I've only seen it have values of either 0 or 1. 0 whenever `bike_angels_action`'s value is "neutral", and 1 for whenever the action is either give or take. 


Found the API endpoint from,  no idea whether its an official one but when cross-referencing the values with my Android app, it appears to be accurate.

  • I had a fun quick dig in the code. Long story short: it's not important; it only communicates how many digits long a score is, so a 10 point bike_angels_points score would have bike_angels_digits value of 2. It looks like this is only used for styling map pins.


    Also, that is definitely not an official API endpoint; they reverse engineered an older version of the app that is no longer supported, so there is no guarantee that this data will remain correct or available at all.

  • Remco's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    I had a fun quick dig in the code. Long story short: it's not important; it only communicates how many digits long a score is, so a 10 point bike_angels_points score would have bike_angels_digits value of 2. It looks like this is only used for styling map pins.


    Also, that is definitely not an official API endpoint; they reverse engineered an older version of the app that is no longer supported, so there is no guarantee that this data will remain correct or available at all.

    • geva's avatar
      Resourceful Rider

      Will you be able to expose the bike angels data in an official public API?