Forum Discussion

CarolTandava's avatar
Steady Solver
3 years ago

Boost Freeze, Please!

Jess BikeAngelsTeam 


Another enhancement idea for discussion. 
The 2x and 3x boosts have been a game changer for many of us.
However, Bike Angels sometimes need to use the system just like everyone else and don't want to lose our Boosts because we are in a hurry. 
So here's my idea:
  1. Add a Monthly Boost Freeze Reward: Keep it at the low end so a Freeze is available to most Angels (say at 20 or 30 points). This is similar to Duolingo's Streak Freeze, which members get each month. 
  2. No Accumulation Limits/Expiration: We don't want to incentivize Angels to use them. We just want Freezes to be available when needed so we can use the bikes like anyone else without being punished for it. Let unused Freezes accumulate regardless of month earned. 
  3. Quick Access Icon: We'll be hurrying to work or for a train so add an option to the app to use a Boost Freeze when a non-rewarded ride is necessary. OR
  4. Boost Freeze is Default: At the end of an unrewarded ride, prompt: "Do you want to use a Boost Freeze? You have ## Boost Freezes Remaining." If the Angel does not answer, use the Freeze (we're in a hurry, remember....)
  5. Randomly Award Freezes: Let additional Boost Freezes be randomly awarded in the same way Duolingo randomly awards Streak Freezes. Say you finish a ride and get a prompt, "You just found a Boost Freeze!" Nothing like an unexpected reward to raise that serotonin level!
  6. Buy Boost Freezes with Points: Let Angels buy additional Boost Freezes with points (maybe 5, but no more than 10).
  7. Shareable: Allow unused Freezes to be gifted to other Angels (no monetary exchanges permitted, of course). This can help build a sense of community.
Please see the discussion on this in the FB Community
Happy Labor Day!
  • evpnyc's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    I like the boost freeze idea.  I commute to Redhook/Brooklyn where there are always too many bikes and all the stations are near full.  I generally need to park closer to Gowanus or Carroll Gardens to retain my boost points.  Redhook is is desperate need of a promotional program to get bikes moved out of the neighborhood.


    I don't have an issue parking one or two stations away from my destination but parking in a different neighborhood and having to walk for 20+ minutes really defeats the purpose of CitiBike.


    Maybe there is no loss of the boost points status once your monthly points reach a certain level (200), which shows you are trying to make a positive impact overall.  

  • 2WG-4WB's avatar
    Steady Solver

    I'd buy a boost freeze for 5 or 10 points, probably  a couple of times a week-

  • topheru's avatar
    Casual Commenter

    I love this idea.  I work in midtown which is a pick-up/neutral point desert.  Biking home from work means either walking 30 min to the nearest station without drop-off points, or giving up my boost.  Having the ability to freeze my boost would be a huge time-saver and incentivize me to keep up with the program.   Here are a couple other ideas:


    • A karma system where, after taking a negative ride, you have to take two positive rides in quick succession to reset your boost clock.
    • Instead of losing your boost outright after a negative ride, you get time taken off your boost clock (say 3 hours).  You could maybe even change the boost clock system so each positive ride accumulates X hours of boost time (and cap it if you want).  Then, riders who take multiple positive rides in a row can rack up boost time and not be reset back to zero for one negative ride.
    • topheru's avatar
      Casual Commenter

      Also, a pop up warning that you're about to lose your boost when undocking would be appreciated too. I just walked to a station that had neutral points. At some point in the few minutes between checking the station and undocking the bike, it changed to drop off points. So I lost my boost and now have to start all over to build it back up. It's on me I guess for not double checking when I went to undock but I definitely wouldn't have undocked there if I had known it had changed. Some kind of pop up warning/confirmation when scanning the bike would help us not get penalized when a dock changes suddenly.

  • Jess's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hi, CarolTandava! My apologies for the delay in my reply here. Thank you for your message calling out this pain point around Boosts. I understand Angels would be frustrated to have to choose between losing their incentive and taking a needed ride. This is really solid feedback, and your attention to detail and deep consideration is apparent. Thanks for sharing this idea with our team!


    On the whole, I'm super pumped to hear that Angels are liking the Boost incentives, and I'm going to share this feedback internally with our Bike Angels Team to flag the idea and foster further discussion. Our teams are always looking to optimize our rewards and the Bike Angels program, and this is really insightful intel from dedicated Angels—like yourself.  


    I hope your holiday was nice, as well, and that your upcoming weekend is relaxing! 😇