Forum Discussion

RickyDee's avatar
Steady Solver
5 months ago

Automatic redemptions

I have a question/complaint about some recent activity in the app. Three times in the last week, the app has redeemed points from my points bank which I did not initiate. The attached pic shows the recent items. On 6/9, 6/12 and today, 6/14, redemptions were made for Lyft credit and e-bike credit which were done without any actions on my part.

I’ve now lost 40 points this week and I neither requested nor want these credits. Can I expect to lose points every few days now for credits I don’t want? How can this be stopped or blocked?

On a somewhat comical note, the items are shown as “gifts” from CitiBike. Since I was forced to pay for these items they are in no way gifts.



  • philipvm's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    I signed up for bike angles 2 days ago and have  had my points auto redeem for an e bike credit. What was more frustrating was to call the help desk and have them assure me that this is just a feature that i cant change even though i know it’s a bug. Considering i just spent 220$ on a membership and love citi biking, this is Very very frustrating. 

    • arquintl's avatar
      Resourceful Rider

      I‘ve had the very same experience and at this point the entire Bike Angel thing is completely unusable with this auto-redeem problem

      • Jess's avatar
        Bike Angels Team

        Hi there, arquintl, thanks for posting here to alert our team that your rewards are unexpectedly auto-redeeming. I'm sorry this is happening, as you're just getting started with Bike Angels. 

        Our team is aware of this issue and investigating a fix. I'll follow up here once I have more information to share. 

    • Jess's avatar
      Bike Angels Team

      Thank you for joining the community to flag that you're experiencing this issue. Our team is investigating a resolution to rewards unexpectedly auto-redeeming, and I'll follow up here once I have an updated for the group. I've added your information to our internal ticket about this issue. 

  • biggieD's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    I'm a new Angel, but same. My points don't stay in the bank, they get used up automatically. Why?

    • Jess's avatar
      Bike Angels Team

      Hi, biggieD thanks for joining in the conversation here in the community to share your experiences. I'm sorry to hear this is going on. I added your report to the investigation notes, so our team has all the examples to help pinpoint the issue. 

    • Jess's avatar
      Bike Angels Team

      Hey, biggieD, can you please log out and then delete and reinstall your Citi Bike app? I want to understand if that helps. It seems all your rewards are automatically redeeming like the old structure, when RickyDee 's was more sporadic. Our team is still working on this issue, and I want to help as much as I can in the meantime. 

      • biggieD's avatar
        Resourceful Rider

        Hi Jess I continue to experience the same issue, even though I logged out and deleted the app on my phone. Every time my banked points pass 10 points, they get automatically redeemed for Lyft credit. If I can't bank the points, it makes no sense for me to keep balancing bikes. I'm in NYC btw. 

  • o.o hopefully this was just a fat fingered accident that you didn't notice (3x) else this is problematic indeed ;x

  • amanjs's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    I seem to be having the same issue too. It seems that my account is in the old system for some reason. First, I got some e bike credits and then it auto redeemed the points for membership extension (20-80 points - silver spoke). And now it’s redeeming the points for Lyft credits (gold gear). I don’t know why it’s auto redeeming the points. 

    • Jess's avatar
      Bike Angels Team

      I'm sorry you're having this issue! I've added your information to an internal report that I've raised. Our team is investigating this issue, and I will continue to monitor things and provide updates as they come. 

  • Jhall83's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    I'm also a new angel and my points are automatically redeemed too 

    • Jess's avatar
      Bike Angels Team

      Hi, Jhall83 thanks for joining the community to post about this issue! I apologize you're experiencing this early in your Angel journey. I've added your report to the issue I've raised with the Bike Angels Team, and I will update this thread once I learn more.  

      • Jhall83's avatar
        Resourceful Rider

        Hi Jess.  I think I'm in between the "old" and "new" systems. My points are still automatically redeemed and I have 223 points for a gift card 



  • Hey there I just signed up yesterday and did many runs and noticed it auto redeeming as well. Can you please un-redeem and turn it back into credit? 

    • Jess's avatar
      Bike Angels Team

      Hi there, divvying_it_up  I'm sorry to hear this is going on. Rewards aren't meant to automatically redeem for Bike Angels outside of Boston, but there is a systems issue causing some rewards to automatically redeem. I will alert the thread here once I have more details about the resolution to this issue. 😊

  • Jess's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hi there, RickyDee  thanks for flagging this issue here. I haven't seen any other reports like this one just yet, but I'm going to look into what could have happened here with the Bike Angels Team. 

    • RickyDee's avatar
      Steady Solver

      Thanks Jess it just happened again this morning. At this rate I’ll be losing a few hundred points a month. I’ve anecdotally heard that other angels seem to get some “pocket” redemptions but maybe not to this extent.

      • Jess's avatar
        Bike Angels Team

        Thank you for following up. I know this must be worrisome to see your points diminishing when you haven't been making redemptions. I flagged this with the BA team this morning, and I'm getting some eyes on the issue. Always appreciate your help! Once we determine the root cause and a fix, we'll be able to investigate all the points issues related to this. 

  • amanjs's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    The old system resets monthly. It just reset for July for me. 10 credits = 10 min e bike ride, 20-80 (every 20 = membership extension), 80-200 (every 10 = Lyft credit), 200+ = every 10 points is gift card credit. It’s really annoying but that’s how it works. My account still seems to be on the old system.