Forum Discussion

Sammy's avatar
Casual Commenter
3 months ago

E-gift card redemption

I submitted in October 2024 for Citibike angel 1000 points for $200 E-gift card redemption. However, I have not received an email as of this writing. Can you please look into this matter? When I used to get a monthly redemption, I would get an email the first week of following month for the previous month's redemption. Thank you.

  • atmjnyc's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    Sammy check the other thread on this. The rewards from October are severely delayed. The team have given no real updates as to why their system has failed or what they are going to do about it. They just keep providing vague hopes that it will get solved by a certain day that then don’t come to pass. The only option is that bike angels keep reminding them why this is unacceptable behaviour - we should be demanding a clear commitment as to when the payments will be made along with an outline for how they will compensate angels for delaying these rewards beyond their terms of service and the parameters laid out for payments under NY State Law. I would also encourage us to look into the filing cases at the NYC Small Claims Court. 

    • Sammy's avatar
      Casual Commenter

      Thank you for your reply. I don't know about class action lawsuit but hope they will resolve this issue. I was thinking that I'll redeem some of my points before Christmas shopping, hence, submitted redemption in October. I was hoping that they send me an email during first week of November as they have done in the past but waited till month of November came and past since they said that during the following month for redemption. Since Lyft took over Citibike, there seemed to be many issues every time they make some changes.