Forum Discussion

2WG-4WB's avatar
Steady Solver
2 years ago

citibike membership renewal

If I am enrolled in membership Autorenewal and always make the maximum membership extension each month (4 weeks). will the renewal date I would be charged just keep moving forward, or would I be charged an annual membership renewal fee on the same fixed date each year, regardless of the membership extensions i earned?
( I am still on the original automatic points system, not the version requiring active selections to renew points).
thanks for an explanation

  • Hey 2WG-4WB ! Thanks for sharing your question with the Community. I'm glad to hear you've been able to really take advantage of the Silver Spoke membership extension reward!


    With each membership extension, your renewal date will indeed move forward, as you said. Your Silver Spoke email contains the new expiration date which is when you'd be charged the renewal fee. 


    Hope this information helps! Thanks again for your participation in the Community! ğŸ˜Š



  • jenniferrp's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hey 2WG-4WB ! Thanks for sharing your question with the Community. I'm glad to hear you've been able to really take advantage of the Silver Spoke membership extension reward!


    With each membership extension, your renewal date will indeed move forward, as you said. Your Silver Spoke email contains the new expiration date which is when you'd be charged the renewal fee. 


    Hope this information helps! Thanks again for your participation in the Community! ğŸ˜Š



    • robertripps's avatar
      Casual Commenter

      Of course each 4 week extension does not equal 1 month, so doing 4 weeks every month is only 336 days, not 365/366, so you membership expiration slowly creeps closer each year even redeeming points...

  • Mo's avatar
    Resourceful Rider


    This used to happen with my Bike Angels account as you'd describe above, but it has not been happening since beginning of May and I have been unable to get assistance from Citibike.  Can you help

  • jenniferrp's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hey robertripps and Mo ! Thanks for both of your replies. I get how 4 week extensions may look confusing on both the old and new points system since it seems to widely be understood as earning a full calendar month (example Feb 1-March 1.). I'll provide some more context here to hopefully clear up some of the confusion. 


    When an Angel earns/redeems 4 weeks of membership extensions, they receive an additional 30 days on their membership. For example, let's say said Angel is on the old point system where rewards are automatically sent, and that they're starting out the new month on February 1. During the month of Feb, if they earned 4 membership extensions, they would receive a total of 30 more days. This would put the new expiration date 30 days out at March 2.


    From March 2, let's say the Angel received another 4 membership extensions. Another 30 days would then put the expiration date at March 31. 


    As y'all can see, it's 30 days, rather than the same calendar day each month. Since the number of days in a month varies, you won't always see your new expiration date go in the order of, for example, Jan 5, Feb 5, March 5, April 5, etc. It all just depends on what is 30 days from the 4th extension.


    We understand this may not be what Angels expect from extensions and have noted the feedback with our team.