Forum Discussion

jm's avatar
Hustlin' Helper
6 months ago

Citibike app "Bring a friend on a ride" ??


If anyone can help it will be much appreciated.

With the Citibike app is this  "Bring a friend on a ride" feature enabled and is it unlimited? (photo below)

In NYC I will have the Lyft All Access Pass and my friend will not have any memberships.

With the Lyft Pink All Access Pass membership you use the Citibike app in NYC to get bikes. We're hoping the "Bring a friend on a ride" feature is enabled in the Citibike app and is it unlimited.  

As you can see in the Divvy app, there is an icon, and it reads:

Bring a friend on your ride.
Start riding together and add up to 1 person on your ride.

Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.




  • Hi again, I'm happy to help 😄 This is correct, that you can continue to use the 'Ride Together' feature after the 5 free unlocks are used. If you continue to use the feature, the unlock fees will not be free, but you can still ride with your friends as much as you would like!

  • jm's avatar
    Hustlin' Helper

    Oh darn.  I found this in the Citibike app

    Citi Bike Annual members can unlock up to 5 rides for guests per year 

    So, I'm guessing there is a limit of 5 "Bring a friend on a ride"?

    Say it ain't so 

    Thank you 





    • nina's avatar

      Hi there! This limit of 5 free unlocks for the 'Ride Together' feature. This will reset with every annual renewal :)

      • jm's avatar
        Hustlin' Helper

        Thank you, Nina. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

        That makes sense... the 5 Free Unlocks will reset. But what I'm most interested in, and what is still unclear to me by the wording, is AFTER the 5 FREE UNLOCKS are used up for the year, will Citibike members still be able to unlock a second bike using the Ride Together feature and have the charges for the second bike, just charged to the member's account. 

        In NYC, 5 unlocks will not cover the expected times we hope to use the Ride Together feature. So... using my Citibike membership through the All Access Pass, we're hoping to used the Ride Together feature long after the 5 free unlocks are used up. No problem paying. 

        Thanks again.