Forum Discussion

jm's avatar
Hustlin' Helper
7 months ago

Lyft at X (Twitter) is Ignoring Me :(

Lyft at X (Twitter) is Ignoring Me

A few times a week the Divvy app fails to credit my earned points

Usually/always, submitting a screen shot and photo to X has quickly resulted in the missing points being credited. 

This last weekend Lyft X denied crediting 12pts,  and are refusing to respond to my absolute proof they are earned, and will not give me a reason why?

It's simple. I moved eBikes from the deserted "underground" to what is one of the busiest docks in the whole city. (pic)

All the bikes were moved within the 15 minute, 12 points time frame from the exact same place to the dock.

One ride was missing the 12pts credit.  

More sad than the amount of time spent on this project, fighting for a earned 12 points, is the fact that Lyft X is ghosting me.  


18 24-18.16, shows a glitch in the app. A two minute ride that has no movement 

Photos attached

Please, can someone help?

Thank you. 

  • Hey there, jm, I'm sorry to hear you've been having this issue over time. I'm going to take a look at what might be causing this to happen. I just reviewed these rides and added 20 points  to cover the ride in question—and a little extra for the misunderstanding and delay with getting help with this issue. Thank you for your dedication to helping Divvy riders find bikes when they need them. 

  • jm's avatar
    Hustlin' Helper

    Thank you, Jess. Thank you very much.

    You are spoiling us. This is not the real world :)

    It's true, I need to "get a life" as the saying goes. And with all that's going on, this stuff is silly. 

    But luckily, you're employed, so as long as we are not taking you away from your other chores when you help, I'll not feel bad about the whining over stupid stuff 

    Although I will say, and this probably is echoed by others here, it's a great pleasure working with you, Remco and others here 

    No BS

    Your involvement has reduced the stress, because we all know, no matter what happens on the road, a call in, or X, you'll all be here to fix what's broken. You have our backs. And that is a very special thing 

    Thank you for your quick response, understanding, and generosity 

    Me gusta points!



  • jm's avatar
    Hustlin' Helper

    Where the eBikes were picked up, and the docking station they were dropped  


  • Jess's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hey there, jm, I'm sorry to hear you've been having this issue over time. I'm going to take a look at what might be causing this to happen. I just reviewed these rides and added 20 points  to cover the ride in question—and a little extra for the misunderstanding and delay with getting help with this issue. Thank you for your dedication to helping Divvy riders find bikes when they need them. 

    • jm's avatar
      Hustlin' Helper

      I got cheated again.

      I got cheated by X again.

      I say cheated because errors happen with the computer, that's understandable,  but when Lyft X people look at clear facts, and they say, "No. You're not worthy of getting 12 points x  2 = 24 points, and justify it without explanation, simply saying, the ride was not "eligible" so we are NOT giving you 24 points.

      Clearly I was there. Clearly a bike and scooter were moved. Clearly the station was a 12 point drop-off.

      The screen grab has the addresses. The bike and scooter were moved. So what the heck are they doing over there at Lyft X?

      Lyft X is not on our side, they're not trying to help us.

      How do they think the bike got from point A to point B, and how do they logically say that I don't deserve the points when I am moving a bike from point A to a 12 point drop-off station?

      Also, can you  believe this... the scooter stopped working, and I had to push it with full blown resistance most of the way to the station. (actually, 3 of the scooters today stopped, locked, and needed to be pushed)

      This stuff is the exact reason I quit doing BA the last time. Constant errors, and begging for earned points like I'm trying to cheat.

      Lyft X needs to look at my totals. Look at my routes. I earn my points moving bikes.

      Amazon has great customer service. Great staff. Lyft X treats us poorly (actually, hit or miss :)

      So here's the facts, and here's the screen grabs. I'm due twenty four points.

      Thank you


  • Wim's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    One thing that I've found is that if you return an E-Bike that was right next to the dock in the first place, you don't get any points for that. I don't know if it's a bug or an intentional feature of the system. If it's an intentional feature, I could understand that- because it's not redistributing bikes in a particularly useful way to re-dock a bike that was, for whatever reason, left right next to a dock in the first place. Assuming the bike has been parked properly, you may as well leave the bike where it is and also leave an extra open dock space.

    From these screenshots it looks like you're aware of that bug/feature, and you've been working around it by riding a short distance away from the dock for minute or circling around the block and returning back again?

    So here's what I think probably happened, on that ride with the bike 461-6397. For some reason it didn't detect that you rode away from the dock (GPS connectivity can be intermittent) and so the system thought you just pushed the bike right into the nearby dock, hence no points. Just a theory.  đŸ˜€

  • jm's avatar
    Hustlin' Helper


    And the picture posted clearly shows the eBikes original locations. 

    Randolph, between Michigan Avenue and the lake, has three levels of road traffic. Upper, middle,  and lower. (A hold over from the Great Chicago Fire of 1871) 

    Unless you're walking up the steps (shown in the pic) Lower Randolph (generic term) at Columbus, on the second level, is not easily accessible by roads to the Columbus and Upper Randolph docking station where the eBikes ended up being docked 

    The picture shows the eBikes are on the lower Randolph level, basically a non-walking street, "abandoned" by people attending Lollapalooza, but not allowed to proceed further by the closed off road. 

    The two quickest routes from there to the Randolph and Columbus dock... You either ride all the way on the 2nd level to the lake front trail and back up through Peanut Park to Randolph, or up the ramp to Michigan Avenue and back against the flow of Upper Randolph traffic through the narrow one lane of traffic caused by the up ramp. 

    While in Chicago it's not encouraged to ride against the flow of traffic, it is not something that is penalizing BA. 

    Per usual, the GPS in the app is not accurately deplicting the route taken and reflecting the two levels of Randolph Street .

    Time is also not an accurate representation of the routing, because eBikes are fast and can cover a lot of ground in 3 minutes, especially in Chicago where there are many docking stations. 

    It's also a challenge finding bikes, when the app shows the bike are on "Randolph" but can not differentiate between the levels. You don't know which level the bike is on. 

    That was the case this time after searching, it finally dawned on me the bikes were below "street level"

    I will say, riding against traffic, into the traffic flow, in Paris, is 100% allowed  by the law. 

    As crazy as it sounds, on many of the narrowest of one-way traffic streets, even streets with cars parked on both sides, in Paris, there are clear street markings allowing bikes to ride head on into the one-way traffic flow, and the cars have to deal with it. Paris is that bike friendly. 



    • Wim's avatar
      Resourceful Rider

      Ah ok, so they were on a lower level. Well, all the more likely that the GPS got confused about it then? I doubt the Divvy app takes altitude into account when measuring distance from a station, and I've often found my phone's GPS gets screwy in those lower level streets (especially lower Wacker dr).

      Yes I'm familiar with Velib, I lived in Paris before moving to Chicago. It's a great model for how a successful bike share system can operate!