Forum Discussion

jm's avatar
Hustlin' Helper
3 years ago

Ride Credits

Do Bike Angels Ride Credits max out?

Thank you.


I've been riding my butt off and the Ride Credits in the app never exceed around 44$ 


Also, would someone please explain this three tier Ride Credits display?

Appreciate the help.

Thank you.





  • Thank you for calling out this issue, jm ! I apologize for the delay in reply to this topic. To answer your question, rewards credits earned from Angel points won’t expire, and they will continue to accrue as you earn them.


    I understand that the current display is unclear and doesn’t display the full amount of credits. The Bike Angels Team is aware of some configurations currently preventing the total value of rewards credits from populating in the Rewards tab or in one credit line in that section. Our team is actively reviewing potential solutions, so Angels can track the credits they earn accurately. Feedback like yours helps us provide context to your experience, and I appreciate your contributions to the community here. I hope you’ll return to connect with the Angel Community here in the future. 

  • Jess's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Thank you for calling out this issue, jm ! I apologize for the delay in reply to this topic. To answer your question, rewards credits earned from Angel points won’t expire, and they will continue to accrue as you earn them.


    I understand that the current display is unclear and doesn’t display the full amount of credits. The Bike Angels Team is aware of some configurations currently preventing the total value of rewards credits from populating in the Rewards tab or in one credit line in that section. Our team is actively reviewing potential solutions, so Angels can track the credits they earn accurately. Feedback like yours helps us provide context to your experience, and I appreciate your contributions to the community here. I hope you’ll return to connect with the Angel Community here in the future. 

    • jm's avatar
      Hustlin' Helper

      Super duper.

      Thank you.

      Fair enough,  Jess.

      I had lost all hope of any real accountability of the program. What a joke type thing.

      I had sent that question everywhere without an answer.


      The other challenge is the LYFT app.


      The credits often don't show up there. Many,  many times the credits don't populate when configuring a ride.


      And, of course, even if it does show up in LYFT,  it's never more than 40 bucks or so.


      In any case.



      Thank you for helping us all out.

      Bravo. Much thanks. 

      • dbny's avatar
        Casual Commenter

        Thanks for this Topic, Jeff. Glad to hear I'm not the only one scratching my head about the Lyft credit side of things. Where was your "Ride Credits Available" screenshot above from? I've been having trouble finding any such summary. 

  • jm's avatar
    Hustlin' Helper

    Well... you'd think someone,  or somebody at Divvy would answer this legitimate question.


    I mean, a question like the one posted above is right in this forums wheelhouse.


    That is... if this Bike Angels Forum is actually worth anything,  or is a useful tool for our community.