Forum Discussion

zswapsny's avatar
Casual Commenter
2 years ago

Lifetime Rewards - delays again???

I earned the Hustlin' Hero award on June 1 ... nothing received so far. Emailed Lyft on August 6, usual cut-and paste message "You should receive your replacement reward(s) within 3-6 business weeks!" yada yada yada ... still nothing received so far. So is this going to be like the Steady Pedaler fiasco where I waited over a year?

  • jenniferrp's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hey zswapsny and other folks in this thread! The delay in receiving y'alls rewards sounds confusing and frustrating so I want to help get to the bottom of it for each of you. I'm personally diving into the rewards you've all stated you're missing as I see a handful of you have already contacted Support. I'll provide a general update here once I've gotten with the team on this and will then follow up via email with more account and reward specific details for each of you. 

  • jenniferrp's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to provide a quick update here.


    I've reached out to each of you via email with an update on the status of your reward shipments and requesting address confirmation from a few of you. If you have any specific questions, please respond directly in that email thread. 

    • BlueSteelBiker's avatar
      Resourceful Rider

      Hi Jennifer, I've received your e-mail, and want to share my appreciation for your attention here. Setting expectations with a realistic update is very much appreciated, especially since this is for a milestone reward, after all! ðŸŽ‰


    • jm's avatar
      Hustlin' Helper


      Just checking in.

      We appreciate the award program and Lyft's commitment to the Angels program.


      What fun. And for some lucky cities, a great opportunity to put some cash into people's pockets.


      Having said that, we sure wish this free stuff mailout would be resolved. If only because it casts a doubt on the corporation's ability to run It's operations effectively  


      Thank you.

    • ravensjazz8's avatar
      Resourceful Rider

      Hi Jennifer, could you help resolve my issue too? It's for the reward tier where I'd get Bike Gloves. I recently got my Bike Key (from the tier below), but after over 12 months of the above described frustration. Now I don't think I'll ever get these gloves. Please let me know if you can help, thanks!!

  • Gator's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    I'm yet to receive any of my "lifetime rewards" and I'm over 2500 points.

  • 2WG-4WB's avatar
    Steady Solver

    Hello zswapsny 

    I earned that level in June as well but haven't received it yet. 

    I Waited more than a year to get the key and was disappointed it wasn't white as advertised... So maybe sometime next year we'll receive a really cool pair of hot pink gloves 😅🤣😆

  • BlueSteelBiker's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    I got to Casual Cruiser at the end of April, reached out about it mid-July, got that 3-6 week response... and just reached out again after waiting 8 weeks. Will see if they have any additional information to give. 

  • jm's avatar
    Hustlin' Helper

    5,000 points and no backpack dispite many emails to support and more begging. 


    Boilerplate answers, months pass, no backpack. 


    All the other stuff was delivered. Thank you. 

  • zswapsny's avatar
    Casual Commenter

    Lyft is failing on all these Lifetime Awards over and over again. Guess we (and their shareholders) are the schmucks. 

  • bwitt's avatar
    Steady Solver

    Yup same here, haven't received Joy Rider, Casual Cruser, or Steady Pedaler.  Was about to post about it!

  • RexLogan's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    I got notified of my PowerAngel award in JUNE of 2023 (!!) and still received nothing. I resubmitted the mail-out form about a year after not receiving anything, and messaged Citibike via Twitter/X, but what are my next steps? I find it VERY difficult to believe this reward has been on back order for over a year.


    • marlene03's avatar

      Hey Logan,

      Thank you for sharing this. We apologize for the inconvenience that you have not received your reward.

      We’ve sent you a message to confirm some information so we can resolve this issue.

      Thanks again!

  • BananaBlack's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    I also like to add that I have never received one of my rewards. I'm a power Angel now and I haven't received a single one even though I've filled out all the forms and verified my address. They're just not sending them.