Forum Discussion

aahles1's avatar
Casual Commenter
2 years ago

Missing Points in new Points Bank vs. Lifetime Points

Over a month ago on 5/8, I notified Lyft of a discrepancy between the new Points Bank and the Lifetime Points indicated on the Citibike App.  After several calls and email exchanges, there has been no resolution.  Is there a better way to communicate with Lyft/Citibike to have this corrected?  Thank you in advance for your response. 

  • aahles1's avatar
    Casual Commenter

    Thank you Jess,


    So for example, if I had 390 points prior to updating the app, 80 of those points automatically extended my membership for a month, and 120 points became Lyft credits (under the previous system).  Given that, the remaining 190 points should have been cashed out somehow.  Can you verify if that reward was sent via Tremendous, and if so when?  I might have to look through my spam or junk email folders. 


    Thank you for your help thus far.  Alan   

    • Jess's avatar
      Bike Angels Team

      Hey, aahles1 , I confirmed you were included in the rewards processed on 6/6. I resent this email. ğŸ˜Š I hope you'll return to the community in the future if you have a question. 

  • Jess's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hi there, aahles1, thanks for posting this topic in the community. I'm sorry to learn your support experiences haven't solved this issue, and I'm glad you found us here.


    Can you share a bit about the discrepancy you're seeing? I'm interested to learn more and see if any other Angels are seeing an issue on their end. ğŸ˜Š

    • aahles1's avatar
      Casual Commenter

      Jess, thank you for your response.  


      On 4/30, the app indicated 1,200 Points this month & 38,081 Life time points.

      On 5/5, the app indicated 390 Points this month & 38,471 Life time points.

      I updated the app soon there after.

      As of today 6/13, the app indicates 2,194 Points bank, & 40,665 Life time points.


      The Life time points are accurate, however there remains a 390 point discrepancy between the points earned at the beginning of May and the Points bank today.  I have not redeemed any points in either May or June amid all this confusion.


      I first contacted Lyft/Citibike on 5/8, and have not seen any resolution.  Every time I call, a representative just reports the issue up.  There have been a few emails back and forth providing screen shots from the app, but no resolution or explanation.


      Hope you can shed some light on what is going on, and how this will be resolved.  Thanks, Alan    


      • Jess's avatar
        Bike Angels Team

        Thanks for taking the time to share these details with us, aahles1. I understand seeing your points totals and interface change would raise some questions! I think this thread will answer your question, but the replies are tough to sort through. I've included a screenshot of the reply that answers your question here.