Forum Discussion

jm's avatar
Hustlin' Helper
5 months ago

Shared Rides Fees


Thank you again for all your help.

Referencing your post below,  never in the world do I wish that the word "should" means maybe it won't.

After posting and getting the answer listed at the bottom. I thought that the charges of the shared rider would all be on my account. That's what I was assuming. Although re-reading the post, that exact information is not present.

After the five free rides, will the share rided feature stop working?

I mean, if we're using my membership, my Citibike app to initiate the bike unlock, I thought that the charges would be going through my app, and I could use my Lyft credits to pay for the shared rides. 

But you're saying the algorithm is robust, and my app will allow the unlock, and that perk is without the person having a membership, but all the  subsequent fees are charged at the non-membership rate, including the unlocking fees, to the other shared persons CC.

And the word "should" actually means, "will".

Oh darn.

Omar said...

"If you do run out of free guest unlocks, your friend SHOULD be charged instead of you as the app flow should have it so your friend enters their phone number and payment information. They SHOULD be charged and member pricing will not apply."

JM post on the subject

Community answer

"Hi again, I'm happy to help 😄 This is correct, that you can continue to use the 'Ride Together' feature after the 5 free unlocks are used. If you continue to use the feature, the unlock fees will not be free, but you can still ride with your friends as much as you would like!"

  • Hey there jm !

    Firstly I want to apologize as I did miss some details for your membership!

    Since you are Lyft Pink All Access it is 3 free unlocks, not 5, I do truly apologize for providing you with the incorrect information. It would NOT be 8.

    Additionally, it seems our app processed changed and Ride Together charges DO get charged to the host, aka you. We're also double checking internally to see if your credits would cover any overage fees, I am 99% sure it does but I want to make sure I am providing you 100% correct information.

    Instead of needing to download their own app, your friend needs to enter their information in your app to join the ride once the Ride Together ride is started.

    Again I do apologize about the incorrect information provided earlier!

    Edit: We can confirm your credits should cover the cost of your friend's ride if they got overage charges! If for some reason the credits do not apply, then reach out to the Support team or to us here!

  • Hey jm!

    That's correct! After transitioning to Lyft Pink All Access, you'll get only 3 unlocks.

  • Hey jm !

    The Ride Together feature will continue to be accessible, your friend would just accumulate charges is all! Basically after 5 free unlocks are used from you being the host, any other ride together rides, so let's say for example ride 6 with your friend, will be charged with non-member pricing, so an unlock fee plus ride time plus taxes etc etc. 

    Your friend/guest should also be prompted in-app on their first ride together ride to input their payment information so it should not be charged to your payment method, but if your friend does not get that screen, I would love to see some screenshots. 

  • jm's avatar
    Hustlin' Helper

    Omar, you're saying even on the first ride where the guest is free. If we go over the 60 on a manual bike or take out an e-bike, all the fees will come out of the guest's charge card, nothing will come out of my Lyft credits. So the only perk is the unlock fee, and the 60 minute manual bike ride?

    You see what I'm trying to do, I want to pay for my guests  Citibike charges using my Lyft credits.

    And what I think you're saying, even on the 5 free rides, if the guest's time on the bike incurs any fees, those fees come out of the guest charge card, not my Lyft credits.

    Thank you again, thank you very much.


    • omar's avatar

      Hey jm !

      Yup that's correct, and I believe that the guest unlock is only up to 45 minute rides, not the 60 minute rides you have earned as a bike angel.

      I see what you mean by wanting to use your earned credits for friends/family/guest riders etc but as of current date that wouldn't be possible with our ride together function.

      Hope this clarity helps!

  • jm's avatar
    Hustlin' Helper

    Then with the pink upgrade I lost 3 unlocks?

    If you look at this thread that I posted here. It explains that I should have had a total of eight

    "Currently with my Divvy membership, we get 5 free guest unlocks. If I get Lift Pink All Access, you get 3 guest passes, is that in addition to the 5 free guests unlocks, so 8 total? "

    I lost my Divvy stuff  

    Lyft Pink All Access | Bike Angels

     Thank you for your help.


    • omar's avatar

      Hey there jm !

      Firstly I want to apologize as I did miss some details for your membership!

      Since you are Lyft Pink All Access it is 3 free unlocks, not 5, I do truly apologize for providing you with the incorrect information. It would NOT be 8.

      Additionally, it seems our app processed changed and Ride Together charges DO get charged to the host, aka you. We're also double checking internally to see if your credits would cover any overage fees, I am 99% sure it does but I want to make sure I am providing you 100% correct information.

      Instead of needing to download their own app, your friend needs to enter their information in your app to join the ride once the Ride Together ride is started.

      Again I do apologize about the incorrect information provided earlier!

      Edit: We can confirm your credits should cover the cost of your friend's ride if they got overage charges! If for some reason the credits do not apply, then reach out to the Support team or to us here!

  • jm's avatar
    Hustlin' Helper


    Well, that's great news. 

    Thank you