Forum Discussion

equinox001's avatar
Resourceful Rider
2 years ago

New Points system

Maybe someone in the community can explain better than Citibike reps. How does the new Points system work? There is no more automatic rewards after reaching a certain number of points? And I do not understand about expiration, right now I have accumulated 42 monthly points. They are now in the "bank". Do I have to sue them before the end of the month?

  • Hey there, equinox001 & robertripps, thanks for posting your questions in the community. If you’re seeing the points bank in your Bike Angels profile, your rewards won’t redeem automatically moving forward; instead, your points will accrue in your points bank. This won’t affect any rewards you redeemed before your most recent update after 5/3/23. Any points earned in April that hadn’t earned a reward were rolled into your points bank. 


    With the points bank, your point total won’t reset each month. Points earned are stored in your points bank and can be redeemed for digital and cash rewards. Angels that reach Lifetime Achievements, like Hustlin’ Hero, will earn physical rewards.  To redeem your points, click ‘View your rewards’ in your Bike Angels profile. 

46 Replies

  • robertripps's avatar
    Casual Commenter

    Thanks for answering some of our questions. I am still wondering what happens to points already earned before the change? From May 1 until mid afternoon on May 3, I had earned 1091 points under the “old" system, but when it changed on my app, my point bank started with 1 point, so where are my other 1090 points? Will I get the usual reward for those 1090 points at the end of the month?


    Also, Bike Angels rewards screen says shop rewards using the points in your bank. So do we now have to redeem the points for Ebike credits as well to be able to use them? When I redeem E-gift card points, if I have an uneven number of points, will the remainder roll over towards my next reward? Can I choose to redeem only some of my points- so if I have 1,100, I could redeem only 1000, and keep the 100 in the bank towards my next 1000? Are there larger rewards over 1000 points, or would I just cash out every 1000 points?


    Lastly, can you please explain some of the new screens & the way this new system works: for instance, I now see separated Ebike credits and Lyft credits- how are those determined, as they were previously combined? I now seem to have a large amount of Lyft credits, but hardly any Ebike credits, even though my app rewards section (which is still there from the “old” system) shows plenty of rewards going back to going back around a year and a half, totaling many, many times more credits than the new rewards Ebike section shows. I don’t want to lose 18 months worth of Ebike credits! And taking rides for the past 5 days under the new system has not increased any of those numbers on my app.



    • Jess's avatar
      Bike Angels Team

      Thanks for following up, robertripps. I want to answer any questions you have about the change! Rewards that were already redeemed before the change took place won’t change. Any points earned and not redeemed for prizes will reflect in your points bank.


      With the points bank, your points total won’t reset each month. You can bank your points and redeem the prizes you prefer on your own schedule. Regarding the different credits display, do you mind sending a photo of what you’re seeing in your app over here? I want to be sure I’m understanding your question correctly, and make sure that any issues are investigated and resolved.


      We periodically survey Angels to get a better understanding of how they interact with the program and plan features based on Angel feedback. This change was one such change—Angels reported they wanted more control over when and what kinds of rewards they earned. While we haven’t added new rewards to the program at this time, as the program grows, we’ll continue to explore new ways to add value for Angel rewards.

      • robertripps's avatar
        Casual Commenter

        Hi Jess, thanks for getting back to me. For some reason even though I refreshed this site several times a day, it only now shows me your response, which it displays as yesterday- not sure why it is back dated?


        In any case, since my app switched over on May 3, obviously I had not redeemed those 1091 May points I earned the first 3 days of this month, and when I first saw the points bank, it only showed 1 point. However, I do see on the Your rewards screen that I have an E-gift card for $151.30, which would be the value of 1090 points under the old system (minus 200, then multiplied by $0.17), so hopefully at the end of May, I will be able to get that value, plus any other points I cash out under the new system.


















        My other question regards the “old” Ebike rewards that I have not yet redeemed- they do not have an expiration date, and I have way too many to screenshot, so here is a sample of the oldest ones. Some are fractions that were never completely used by Citibike, and some are full $1.70 or $3.40 values.



















        The “new” Your rewards page (top grab) shows I have only $5.90 worth of Ebike credits (so it is not counting my older credits), but also $151.40 worth of Lyft credits. No idea how you arrived at those numbers, or why Lyft credits are so much larger than Ebike credits. But I do want to make sure that once I go through that $5.90, I am not charged, and you pull from my old stockpile of Ebike credits first.



  • Jess's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hey there, equinox001 & robertripps, thanks for posting your questions in the community. If you’re seeing the points bank in your Bike Angels profile, your rewards won’t redeem automatically moving forward; instead, your points will accrue in your points bank. This won’t affect any rewards you redeemed before your most recent update after 5/3/23. Any points earned in April that hadn’t earned a reward were rolled into your points bank. 


    With the points bank, your point total won’t reset each month. Points earned are stored in your points bank and can be redeemed for digital and cash rewards. Angels that reach Lifetime Achievements, like Hustlin’ Hero, will earn physical rewards.  To redeem your points, click ‘View your rewards’ in your Bike Angels profile. 

    • CT953's avatar
      Steady Solver


      this is confusing 

      I earned over 7700 points in May and I want to be paid for the 7700 in full by Tremendous


      Yesterday I saw I had 6300 points in my points bank which under poor advice I was told that e gift cards could have points loaded onto and that the cards could be redeem instantly


      This is not true

      I found out by spending my day searching and emailing to CitiBike with no response or no idea what I was talking about


      Here is the jist


      The new points system is to benefit Lyft and Citibike by the ability to turn point into credit for services provided by both enitities.


      If you want cash, wait a month.


      This new system is not clear


      I am asking for 500pts that I lost yesterday and today by not being able to bike


      Also I need to know that I am getting the over 7700 points that I earned in May

    • cb's avatar
      Steady Solver

      Hi- This new system seems to be much more of a hassle for Bike Angels with no upside (except for those who have their memberships paid for by an outside org- they now don't "lose" those first 80 Angel points. For the rest of us I see little to no upside and just a lot of confusion. My husband's account has switched over to the new system and his ebike credits seem to have disappeared. They show a $0 balance when he had around $34 in unused ebike credits. Who does he contact to have the ebike credits returned to his account. Luckily my account hasn't switched over yet but I am now worried about losing my ebike credits which are well over $100.  I wish CitiBike had explained the change ahead of making it and had made some effort to make it simpler and easy to use rather than more cumbersome for all of us. Losing credits in the transition is unacceptable and I expect that will be corrected. Again, please let us know who to contact to get this resolved. Thank you


    • Gflynyc's avatar
      Casual Commenter

      Why is there a discrepancy between total points earned in May and the points bank?  There’s a nearly 200 point discrepancy.

      • Jess's avatar
        Bike Angels Team

        Hi Gflynyc, thanks for your comment! As described above, this changed happened a few days into the month. Busy Bike Angels had already earned rewards that were automatically redeemed. If you earned a good amount of points (and rewards) in the first few days of the month, you'll find emails about receiving automatic rewards as it has been in the past. 😊

  • robertripps's avatar
    Casual Commenter

    As long as the bank is not PacWest Bancorp.


    But seriously, I too want some more information on this major change that seems to have occurred in the middle of yesterday afternoon, with no warning or explanation, at least for iOS users so far. What happens to points already earned before the change? Are points really all rolled over month to month? How do we redeem them? Etc.