Update 2: We have discovered that some payments have yet to be received and some are missing. We are working to correct this issue to get October Tremendous emails to Angels as quickly as possible. I apologize for the further delay. If you are missing rewards, please allow us a day or so to ensure you've received your full rewards amount.
Update: Tremendous emails are being sent today (12/3). If you don’t receive your email today, contact or Support Team in the ‘Help’ tab of your app. From your app menu, tap Help > Memberships & perks > Bike Angels > Contact Us to connect with our team.
Hi, all, I am sorry for the confusion about Tremendous emails for October rewards. I understand the rewards are delayed beyond the usual timeline, and I wanted to confirm that Tremendous emails that were expected in November (for October rewards) have yet to be sent. For a bit of insight, banking holidays and some internal policies contributed to this delay, and we have shared that information with the teams that facilitate Tremendous rewards in an effort to avoid similar delays in the future. While I expect that Angels will receive their Tremendous email this week, I’m unable to confirm a specific date/time. I will reply here once I know they are sent.
I realize the delay in receiving these rewards is very frustrating for Angels that have earned and claimed these rewards, and I always appreciate feedback we receive in the community. Feedback from the Bike Angels in the community is monitored for insights to inform future improvements, and I have shared this thread with my team to ensure that your concerns are being heard by the team that supports Bike Angels.