Forum Discussion

Gflynyc's avatar
Casual Commenter
4 years ago

Where Are The Rewards We Earned?

Earned over 2500 Bike Angel points and still no new key and the gloves they promised.  All they do is lie when you contact them. I’m coming quite close to buying a bike of my own.  
Calling their customer service is an exercise in futility.  Incompetence doesn’t begin to describe it.  Lyft has made matters worse!

12 Replies

  • MilesMakepeace's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    I have reached out to Citibike over 10 times the past 3 years inquiring about any/all rewards I've earned (at 2,916 currently). So far, I have received nothing. No white key, no silver key, no glove, no stickers, no nothing. 

    I think the program is possibly a scam that leverages us as its pawns.

    • MKL68's avatar
      Casual Commenter

      I think I agree.  I did get my white key (I do recall having to follow up a few times for that); and the saga of getting the 2500 points is laughable -- all the 'it's on the way' messages and then the sudden 'oh, we cannot provide.'  All I ever do is confirm and reconfirm my mailing address.  Nothing ever happens.  But, yes, I don't think they ever intended for more than a handful of people to get the silver key (like 100....).


      and Tyler still hasn't responded to either of us... surprised?

  • Tyler's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    We were having sipping issues with our vendor and the new keys were delayed by months due to things out of our control. We are super bummed that there were so many delays since we know that Bike Angels are our best riders and we really wanted the launch of the new rewards to go smoothly. The last update we received from our vendor was that they were on the way and we expect to have them in our warehouse very soon. As soon as we have them in our possession, we will be shipping out the keys, along with the gloves, to everyone that has been waiting. 

    • MKL68's avatar
      Casual Commenter

      Can you be more specific. When I order things I tend to have a shipment expected date so presumably you guys know when you are receiving?  I’ve been lied to so many times so far with the customer service people that I don’t even expect something will be mailed (since you somehow screwed up sending me the actual steel key I earned originally last year and was lied to about it ‘being on the way’ then for months. I’d rather have the **bleep** steel key since that is what I earned. I’d also like to have customer service reps who only handle bike Angels rather than the outsourced international call center you guys use which is beyond futile. I’ve been totally used and lied to….

    • MilesMakepeace's avatar
      Resourceful Rider

      Hi Tyler, it would be great if you could provide more specific dates.

      For context, I have now been waiting well over 3 years for all the rewards I've achieved and haven't received one thing (currently at 2,916 pts). 

      • My friends and I never received the original silver key for 2500 points earned. We tried LinkedIn, email and telephone and were often told "it's on its way" only to later realize Citibike was always lying.
      • I never even received my white key for 500 points earned even though I reached out to customer service 4 times and was told it's 'on its way.'
      • To make matters more frustrating, I have constantly been told 'due to delays beyond our control we can't deliver you the rewards you've earned.'

      At this stage, my friends and are I convinced the angels reward program is merely a hoax and was never sincerely created to support the Citbike Angels community.  

      Happy to further discuss this and hope to find a remedy.

    • MKL68's avatar
      Casual Commenter


      Have you seen our requests for more details? Do you care? How about some specifics.  It's not that difficult. 



  • CT953's avatar
    Steady Solver

    Hi.  Just wondering when at the end of the tally of points is acknowledged, how long does it take for the gift card or cash to your bank account


    I have asked this question and no one can answer this

    • BikeAngelsTeam's avatar
      Community Manager

      Hey there! Digital rewards are manually sent out around the first week of the month. The email sent can sometimes land in your junk or spam folder, so please be sure to double-check there for the codes as well.

      • CT953's avatar
        Steady Solver

        The app now has a bank with your points to turned into gift card. How long does it take e-gift card into cash 


        Why is there no explanation of how this system works

  • ravensjazz8's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    Tyler BikeAngelsTeam Hi I am having this same issue and have waited nearly a year for my 1500 Steady Pedaler Bike Key reward along with my 2500 Hustlin' Hero Biking Gloves reward. Still waiting and it's 2023...

    I've contacted Lyft/Citibike over 5 times now and have been lied to every single time for supplier delays. I can't believe this has been happening since 2021!